Another beautiful child cut down in the prime of life. Murder by vaccine: Alive and well in the USA.

in #vaccines5 years ago

To Big pharma, that Vaxxers, and their allies at CDC and in the Congress ,Cristopher Bunch was just a statistic--an easily and comfortably sacrificed sacrificial lamb given to the "God of Science" and the religion of numbers. What numbers, you may ask? The Trolley condundrum says it's OK to knowingly murder so many of our young people because our medical elites, in their instilled greatness and superior knowledge will ALWAYS SAY, "Yes, but X-number of other young lives were saved by our intervention; and best, yet, we have tests (that we paid for) that prove it."

(Christopher Bunch. Courtesy of

Here is the link:

And, here is the key excerpt:

"Physicians diagnosed Christopher with ADEM—a disease that causes inflammation of the central nervous system. ADEM 'typically affects children and may be preceded by a viral or bacterial infection.' It can also 'occur after a vaccination, with symptoms ranging from confusion, drowsiness or coma, unsteadiness, vision issues, trouble swallowing or weakness of the arms and legs.' Christopher had reportedly received the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil three weeks prior to his death. ADEM is a reported side effect of Gardasil. It is listed in the Gardasil package insert."

But, of course, if you don't know you have ADEM before you take Gardasil, your ignorance can, and likely will, KILL YOU. Now, the drug companies can hide behind the Act of Congress which puts the death ot Christopher, and the family's compensation, in the hands of the people. The people have apparently gone right along with the Trolley fallacy, and have no problem sacrificing Christopher.

I beg to differ.

R.I.P. Christopher, and God bless your family.

(Image courtesy of

I also just have to excerpt this comment from beneath the article. Sometimes, the best stuff in these articles is sen in by those reading the article, as is definitely the case here:

" Mark September 22, 2018 at 6:27 am

With all due respect, what you believe and what is buried in the medical literature are two different things. Having researched vaccines and collecting over 1,800 clinical studies on the subject for 37 years, the overwhelming evidence is that:

  1. vaccines do not really work at “protecting” against the supposed virus
  2. vaccines have both “silent” and deadly side-effects
  3. vaccines “create” disease conditions many years later (multiple sclerosis)
  4. are responsible for creating “new” diseases – the side-effects have been labeled with new terminology meant to fool the public into believing in a new disease
  5. there is ample proof of the relationship between autism and MMR and other vaccines. The ONLY reason it is not admitted publicly is because of the massive law suits it would create, driving drug companies and doctors into bankruptcy.
    The mere FACT cowardly, traitorous politicians passed immunity for vaccine manufacturers speaks volumes. What other “product” has such immunity? NONE!
    When your car fails due to a manufacturer’s error, causing death, you are allowed to sue. The same in every other business. Try suing a vaccine manufacturer for the death of a loved one. It’s even worse in Michigan. No one can sue a drug company for wrongful death if the product was approved by the FDA. Where on earth does that happen – protection by the government even if the product caused death.
    Your belief is based on faulty information."

(Image courtesy of

God bless you too, Mark, for your precise, accurate and heatrfelt comment.

Please share this article with your friends, resteem it, and take the opportunity to show up at your State House to testify every time there is some new legislation that would further strengthen the "rights" of Big Pharma at the expense of human life.

Thank you!


Keep sharing stories like these, they're important.

Posted using Partiko Android

No doubt about it.

Reddit is the worst circle jerk and most censored place on the web these days. How sad.

Posted using Partiko Android

Never been there... Guess I won't ever go now,

There are various subreddits. It can be a good place to find information you wont see anywhere else. It can also be a cesspool of literal circles jerking g each other and dog piling on in the name of liberalism. Used to be a home for programmers.

Posted using Partiko Android

wow sir heart breaking to see this over and over and all for money, it's a sickening and alarming situation.

You've got that right.'s going to get much, much worse as they push to make vaccines mandatory nationwide.

sir you think it's all about the money or is it going to be about control and giving the population things that we wouldn't want?

Money AND people control... Both, in equal measures. They want the right to inject us with ANYTHING they want at any time. Ever see "Soylent Green?"

Hey I remember that movie with Charlton Heston but i don't recall much details, is that what they used on people?

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