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RE: The National Health Federation (the good guys, working aginst U.N. eugenics and "Global Health")..WARNS US!

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

Something that is important to hammer home in this effort is that almost 40% of measles cases are actually caused by the MMR vaccine itself.

The origin of measles cases is able to be ascertained by DNA. The measles strain used by vaccine manufacurers no longer exists in the wild, as wild strains have evolved. The only possible source of these infections is the actual vaccinations themselves.

Not only is the hype over measles outbreaks over the top, it's also being deliberately caused by vaccine manufacturers!


Edit: I see @jimbobbill has beat me to the punch. That's a good thing!

Another issue to consider is that not only are vaccines a huge profit center for pharma, making vaccinations mandatory eliminates human soveriegnty completely, by making people no longer the sole arbiters of what is done to them medically. Consider how this authority to impose medical treatment can be extended by applying it to other medical treatments, such as for terminal illness, abortion, transfusions, and the circumcision controversy presently being used to seize children from their custodial parents.

These are just the bleeding edge of procedures that will be the next impositions by the owners of our physical bodies by the state. Once this principle is accepted and enforced with precedent in court, the eventual imposition of any desirable procedure or order of any kind as to the disposition of our persons becomes the actual limit of authority of the state.

In other words, direct ownership of our persons, and our reduction to utter slavery, mere chattel.


Thanks for your valuable contributions, as always, V-c!

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