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RE: Why There Is No Such Thing As Cures for Diseases & The Secret To Curing Them

in #vegan6 years ago

I found this to be a very interesting read. I turned to a WFPB (whole food plant based) lifestyle over the last year and I do consume a lot of fruits but not solely fruit. Sadly, we live in a remote area, and as you mentioned, I can totally understand the "you only know a mere fraction out of the hundreds of different amazing fruits and their thousands of different varieties", as we are limited in what we can purchase here. And I love your info on protein because it is the most misunderstood part of a person's diet, and the first thing omnivores ask about when they find out you don't eat meat. I do follow along with several wfpb doctors, but I have never heard about Dr. Morse, I will have to check him out.

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