
I know. Watch his youtube channel jeffberwick. He is fasting really good!

Oh yeah im sure, ive watched alittle but havent been on youtube enough recently to dive into his vids alot

He has the knowledge! I've been full veg diet for 2 weeks love it

Awesome!! Congratulations on choosing the red pill everyday :)

Intermittent fasting is very good, indeed. Altough, vegan diet is "good for the environment" but it is not the most healthy thing you can do to yourself. High fat, low carb is better in this aspect.

High fat can be very good but not high fat from animal sources, that will kill humans quicker than they can say "but bacon tho" xD

Where did you get this information? Vegetable fats are the ones that are bad. Sunflower oil, soybean oil, especially canola oil, are among the worst things you can ingest. It's a thousand times healthier to cook with pork fat. But if you are vegan, you can use coconut oil which is even better.

saturated fats are the most dangerous, and coconut oil is one of the highest plant oils in saturated fats. salt, oil, and refined sugar are the vegan killers. Animal fats are even worse as they come with cholesterol to line the arterial walls and clog up. That sleepy feeling we get when we eat a fatty meal is called postprandial lipemia, fatty blood. If you took out blood at that time your blood would seperate into oil, fat, and blood.

Most saturated fat aren't harmful at all. All coconut fat are medium chain triglycerides which are actually very healthy. Coconut is among the top 3 healthier food you can eat. Trans fat which comes from vegetal oil are bad. Cholesterol is also mostly good. There are 11 types of cholesterol, only 3 can do any harm. Our brain is made of cholesterol. Cholesterol works as healer for soft tissue. When it accumulates in arterial walls is to heal already existing injuries which are most caused by Sodium chloride and calcium. Main cause for Atherosclerosis is calcium, not cholesterol.

heres an awesome documentary about health and the role of animal products in our lives today.

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