#Ulog Number 4: Lost Another Brother To The Invisible War At Home

in #veterans6 years ago (edited)

#Ulog 4

Today, I woke up to the news about a brother from my unit that overdosed on pills. After reaching out to a few of my buddies from the 1484th, I found out that it was more than likely suicide. He turned 36 this year.


To say my soul is crushed is an understatement

Another Young Soul Lost To The Despair and Spirit Crushing Pain Of War.

At this point I am a big ball of emotion. I am angry, sad, and overwhelmed.

I'm not angry at my friend. I'm angry at the misinformation that was fed to the American People through Colin Powell and the "vile". These lives should have never been negatively affected by the "Iraq Experience".

I'm saddened at the loss of a young life. I'm sad for his family. I'm sad that 22 Veterans a day are taking their own lives.

I'm overwhelmed because I will be 36 this year. I've also had thoughts of suicide in the past. This morning I have been wondering if I should start seeking counseling again.

This morning my world has seemed like the Twilight Zone. It's been 14 years since I went to war and the fucking war won't leave me alone.

They weren't lying when they said... A soldier leaves the war, but the war never leaves the soldier

RIP Malagisi. I hope you found peace. I wish it could have been under different circumstances.

Will be drinking a beer for you today.

Veterans Logo designed by @gultyparties and for fellow Veterans Use.


I am sorry about your friend. It is sad, but it was his choice. You have the option of going for counseling....if you are scared, you should do it now.... Don't let your PTSD get you under. There are people out there, and you are not alone... and stick to that ONE beer my friend.

Thanks @giantbear. I feel a lot better today. Talked it out with a few people yesterday and even worked out to relieve some of the tension I was feeling.

Brilliant, we used to talk a lot when williambanks etc were still in place...we should chat more.

I am sorry for the loss. If you need anything give me a shout.

Thanks for being there @basicstoliving

My condolence to your beloved friend. Praying sometimes give consolation to the weary. He's with you every step of the way. Just think and contemplate on the footprints and i hope it'll lighten you up a little and that sadness will eventually cease or lessen. Have a beautiful day.

Thanks @roger5120. I appreciate the advice too.

You're welcome. :)

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