The Future Of Video Is Diversity

in #video5 years ago

Unnatural Speech

A return to content creation in local languages


OMG. So I had a meeting with a very exciting startup today. I can't really get into the specifics but I'm really intrigued by what I saw and heard.

They are working on software that will aid in the production of video content in multiple languages simultaneously. Really amazing stuff. That's pretty much how much I can say for now, but when this is ready for prime-time, it will change everything.

Right now the English language, and its speakers, have an unfair advantage on the Internet. It sure does on here. I've often wondered how much better content people would create if they could just stick to doing it in their own native tongue. The engagement too, would probably be a lot more meaningful in local languages. I think a lot of commenters (especially if they're planktons) are ridiculed for their inability to express themselves well in English. That's a real shame.

I know there are other strong languages on here; French, Spanish and Chinese languages, but I feel a time is coming when software will help bring true diversity online. People can concentrate on originating posts in their own native tongue while leaving the translation to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The engagement would be the same.

AI can be a little tricky though, especially when it comes to language. One little error in nuance and everything can spiral out of control very quickly.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.


Technological advances never cease to amaze me, @adetorrent. These innovations would be very useful for those of us who only speak one language. As you say, on many occasions translations misrepresent the original message we want to convey. Thank you for this excellent information.

Like a shadow

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