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RE: (REPLAY IS NOW A REAL THING!!) Hello, Goodbyes! ~OR~ Lone Wolf Takes A Heapstrong Swipe At Reinvention

in #vimmtv6 years ago

Hey Kerry, Justine here.. nice to meet you 😉 I hadn’t realized you had made this change so am just seeing this. I watched the video and I have to say as a fellow broken human being (I mean that in a good way) who removed my mask a few months ago and decided to just be me.. real.. flaws and all, it’s really nice to meet you.

I’m sorry things have been tough, while our journeys and trials have been different, I can say I relate a bit.. of hitting the bottom and attempting to climb my way back out. I decided to do things different, live the life I was intended and embrace all my damn flaws.

I decided to stop living like I had an enternity to wait.. and instead take every moment by the balls for lack of a better saying haha. I also want to help people, because like you say.. if there isn’t that, what is there? We are all humans.. all fighting our own battles and just trying to get through this life the best way we can.

So, after all that rambling.. I just meant.. I’m glad you are being you, and it’s nice to meet you. Hopefully we can help some people together.


Thanks so much! I missed this comment until just now. Finally sat down and spent the morning my ginabot settings fixed up for this account. Transitioning from one to the other has been fairly clunky but it's coming together. We've definitely got our work cut out for us but it's good to be connecting with people that strive to be a source of encouragement and inspiration. xoxo

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