We can actually get what we want. How?

in #visualization6 years ago

When faced with the chaos of life, often we are helpless, all roads are dead ends, and finally despair. we do not need to be a victim. Believe it or not, in fact we can create your own everything we want. How to do?

In every stage of life, people always experience one or more events that can, shake and change their lives. The need of life is so great that unbalanced with income, job loss, domestic conflict, divorce, death of a spouse or one of the loved ones , severe prolonged illness, accidents that cause lifelong disability, and various other life crises, all of which can make depression even shake our faith.

Clearly we are not happy. According to Erbe Sentanu, founder of the Katahati Institute, an institution that teaches techniques of empowering thoughts and feelings, happiness is human nature. If humans are happy then, that is because human beings are out of their fitrah.Fitra perfect human often disrupted with messages of disability coming from his environment.

He is happy to accept what we already have. When we reject what happens to us, that moment of unhappiness will come.

Then, should we surrender to fate when life is afflicted? Answer: No! Accepting that has happened with sincerity, we still need endeavor, be reactive, also anticipative to the change itu.Kita must be subject of the change and have full control of anything that happens in our lives.

Erbe Sentanu says, we can actually get what we want. Then, How?

We can combine relaxation, visualization and affirmation techniques in a process that aims to instill a reality that we want into the mind or the subconscious. In other words, we can influence the subconscious to realize the new reality we want. For example, when we are severely affected by illness or loss of work, we can inculcate new hope as well as make it happen, that we will be healthy or we will definitely get a better new job. This process is called the re-programming of the subconscious.

Why Use The Subconscious?

The question, why use the subconscious?

Erbe Sentanu says the subconscious can never distinguish between imagination and reality. The subconscious has never had a mechanism for knowing the real or the unreal. We can see the example in the following case.

In 1962, Japan's Kyushi Medical Magazine reported how the Japanese children's immune system reacted to something they considered real. The children after being blindfolded told that the plants being rubbed into their arms were poisonous plants, after which , they release harsh allergic reactions in their arms, such as swelling, skin redness and itching.

But when it is told that what is rubbed in their hands is a harmless substance, the reactions do not arise. That is where the subconscious works. When the subconscious records that the plant is poisonous, the reaction that is spawned is like a reaction in remove if the plant is toxic, then the reactions in the pelurkan also like the output if the plant is toxic, although it is not the case.

Therefore, we can utilize the workings of the subconscious to something beneficial. We can instill any program into the subconscious to realize everything we want.

In his book, Quantum Ikhlas, Mas Nunu, as familiar as Erbe Sentanu, says that the mind is not only related to functional brain division consisting of the left brain and right brain, but also the division based on the aspect of consciousness.

Generally man only utilizes his conscious mind that has only 12% power of the overall power of his mind. This conscious mind is what we usually mean when calling someone is using 'his brain'.Sedangkan the other 88% is a subconscious power that generally only appears in the form of " feelings "of her.

Imagine, if with 12 percent of the entire human brain just a lot can be done, what if the 88% brain capacity that we can use? The result is certainly remarkable.As stated in Mas Nunu, the power of the subconscious is so great, and can be utilized to achieve goals three to seven times faster.

Alpha Condition = Gate to the Subconscious

Then, how to explore the power of the subconscious?

As a first step, it is necessary to understand the condition of the human brain according to the wave. There are four categories of brain waves, namely beta, alpha, theta, and delta.

The condition of Beta (14-100 Hz) is a condition when we are fully conscious. Currently the brain is dominated by logic. When a person is in this wave, the left brain is actively thinking, concentration, and so on, so the brain waves rise.

The most important condition for penetrating the subconscious mind is alpha (8-13,9 Hz) under alpha conditions we can open the gate to 88% of the subconscious forces. Alpha conditions are conditions that are very releks or exactly the same as our daydreaming and daydreaming .

Theta condition (4-7,9 Hz) is our condition when dreaming. At this moment, the mind becomes creative and ispiratif. In theta state, the mind becomes very clear, very solemn, deep relaxation occurs, and now the sixth sense or intuition arises. What distinguishes the condition of alpha with theta is our consciousness. In alpha condition, we still feel our limbs, whereas in theta condition all that is no longer felt.

While the condition of delta (0.1-3.9 Hz) is a condition when humans are sleeping asleep without a dream. Delta conditions in need by the body, because in that condition the body actively replace the damaged cells and make rejuvenation of the cells body.

Then how do we get in the alpha waves? The easy way is to turn our eyes up and close your eyes, then the mind takes us into the alpha state, dissolves us in a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere.

Alpha conditions can also be built through meditation. The perfect meditation is the palms are opened, that's when the natural energy will blend and spin in the whole body. In the beautiful musical and syahdu tunjang, the atmosphere will be achieved.

Mas Nunu offers an easy way to get into the alpha state, by using a tool called DigitalPleyer technology. This tool is a CD brainware management (brainwave arrangement) containing natural sounds like running water, ocean waves up and down, or bird chirping , all of which have been formulated using audio technology specifically designed to produce certain brain conditions and awareness. Listening to this CD on a regular basis can train the brain to work together from one side to the other, so that it can enter the alpha condition quickly.

Illustrates the mental image with visualization

In practice, visualization is actually the process of creating ideas, mental images, or images in the depths of our hearts. This is a way to move into another level of consciousness and inculcate the image we want. For example, when we are sick we imagine ourselves which is healthy and can do many activities.

In practice, visualization must be preceded by relaxation, because only in this way can we touch the subconscious energy strongly.When we are in a relaxed and mentally silent condition, it is time we use imagination to visualize something we want. The stronger the desire we are, the more focused the energy we direct into the mental image, so the potential to manifest the shadow into physical reality will be stronger.

Affirmation or self talk

Affirmations are done by saying a thing with confidence to yourself (self talk) to achieve a certain goal, then feel and make it happen.

In the programming of the subconscious, there are some rules that must be obeyed in doing affirmations, that is using short sentences and clear intent. Then pronounced in positive language, for example, "I dare," then, formulated in the present and believe that what you want it to be done. And most importantly, your phrase is in repeated, to give time for your statement is pervasive and recorded in our subconscious.

Add emotion or a pleasant feeling

In addition to relaxation, visualization, and affirmations, it is no less important in doing subconscious reprogramming is a belief.

In order for the process of subconscious programming to be more effective, positive emotions or feelings or pleasant feelings are needed. When we want, create a sense of happiness as if what we want has been accomplished.

Conducting a program of the unconscious is done continuously, at least three times a day, each for 20 minutes until the reality we expect to materialize becomes a reality.

Before we start the reprogramming stage of the subconscious, we need to first determine the reality / target we expect clearly. Next, find a comfortable place to do this process. Choose a quiet place that is not much disturbance. We must be in the circumstances which is very releks.Jika need, first do light exercise to release or stretch our muscles. After that do the visualization and affirmations.


  1. Sit or lie down comfortably and relaxed. Close your eyes, if necessary with a soft music that makes you very relaxed and all your loads off. Or use a CD ala Mas Nunu. Take a deep and deep breath. Feel the cold air enters the whole body with the nostrils. Slowly you enter the alpha brain wave conditions. Enjoy this situation for a moment.

  2. Then say in affirmation that you have made, For example, "I recover totally and I can beraktifitas freely."

  3. Then visualize the circumstances or goals that you expect into your mental screen. Imagine you are healthy and doing various activities. Draw it clearly so you can actually see yourself in your mind.

4.While membayngkannya, add the mood or positive feeling that you have when the goal is achieved.Your heart filled with pleasure, happiness, and gratitude. Take a deep and deep breath, enjoy the feeling. Enjoy the visual images and feelings of the heart that accompanies the atmosphere the.

5.After that calculate slowly from 5,4,3,2,1 while drawing deep and deep breath at the time of calculation. After that, open your eyes.

If the process takes place less than 20 minutes. Repeat several more times until it reaches about 20 minutes. Keep doing it diligently. Keep in mind, everything needs a process and enough time to grow and materialize into the new reality we expect.

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