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in #vt2zrzo7u5 years ago

Recommended Reading: Building a life in 'World of Warcraft'

"My disabled son's amazing gaming life in the 'World of Warcraft' Vicky Schaubert, BBC News This is an amazing story from parents about their son who suffered from a rare degenerative muscular disorder. After his passing, they discovered that Mats had lived a …"


Honor View 20 review: Pretty and (mostly) premium

" "Glamorous" isn't the first word that springs to mind when thinking of Honor smartphones, but to my surprise, it actually fits the Honor View 20 quite well. And why shouldn't it? With an eye-catching design, an ambitious camera and one of the world's first wi…"


Facebook snaps up visual search technology startup

" Facebook has purchased an artificial intelligence startup that could change the way you browse Marketplace, according to Bloomberg. The social network has acquired a company called GrokStyle, which created a visual search technology that enables you..."


Our readers review the Apple Watch Series 4

" Two months after our review of the Apple Watch Series 4 was published, we asked our readers to leave their critique of the device on its product page in our buyer's guide. Almost 30 readers participated, detailing their long-term experiences with App..."


The Morning After: Speak & Spell's return

" Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to your weekend! The theme today is looking back, whether it's to mid-90s HTML, some of our highlight stories from the last week or quirky retro toys. Of course it is. Speak & Spell is B-A-C-K Basic Fun is introdu…"


《惊奇队长》的官网当然也充满 90 年代味

"快将在 3 月上映的《Captain Marvel/惊奇队长》自然要预热一下,除了释出更多不同预告片之外,他们最近更推出了一个新的官方网页,最妙的更是整个网页设计都是很符合故事背景设定的 90 年代风。漫威软体工程师 Lori Lombert 更在 Twitter 上透露,他们是利用 FrontPage 来设计,并放在 Angelfire 托管--可说是尽量仿照当年编写网页的方式,各位不妨上去看看,好好怀念一下吧。We built this in FrontPage and host it Angelfire …"


《Captain Marvel》的官網當然也充滿 90 年代味

" 快將在 3 月上映的《Captain Marvel/Marvel 隊長/驚奇隊長》自然要預熱一下,除了釋出更多不同預告片之外,他們最近更推出了一個新的官方網頁,最妙的更是整個網頁設計都是很符合故事背景設定的 90 年代風。Marvel 軟體工程師 Lori Lombert 更在 Twitter 上透露,他們是利用 FrontPage 來設計,並放在 Angelfire 托管--可說是盡量仿照當年編寫網頁的方式,各位不妨上去看看,好好懷念一下吧。We built this in FrontPage and host…"



" バレンタインのギフトといえばチョコレートが定番ですが、渡す相手が男性なら、こだわりの文具もいいかもしれません。ガジェット好きなら......「電卓」なんて、いかがでしょうか。 カシオ計算機の「S100」は、カシオの設立50周年を記念して2015年に発売されたプレミアム電卓です。価格は2万9160円(税込)と、電卓としてはかなり高額な部類に入ります。そのプレミアムたるゆえんは、仕上げと打鍵感をこだわりをもって追求した点にあります。表面はアルミニウムの一枚板からの削り出し。ヘアライン加工で美しく仕上げています。持っ…"


Chrome OS update expands Google Assistant and Android Pie support

" Google has moved the latest version of its Chrome OS from beta to release status, and with the arrival of version 72 there are changes you'll notice -- if you're using the right kind of device. One of the biggest adjustments is its native integration..."


微軟請求大家別再用 Internet Explorer

" 推出良久的微軟 Edge 瀏覽器,是他們用來取代老舊而且長年被人嫌棄的 Internet Explorer。然而不少使用者,尤其是企業客戶都因為插件和兼容性問題而繼沿用 IE,沒有換用 Edge。站在微軟的角度,這也代表他們需要多花一倍的心力來維護兩個產品,所以他們也希望還在用 IE 的使用者盡快換到 Edge 瀏覽器。微軟的高級網路安全建構師 Chris Jackson 在部落格文章中,直言如此的「技術負擔」是不少公司都有的問題,但繼續使用 IE 只是為了方便,但卻不是最有效減少成本的長遠方法。同時 Jacks…"



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