The wrong turn

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An adventure of joy and liveliness suddenly turned to an adventure of sadness and death as we turned to a nearby village not far from our destination to get fuel at night. We alighted from the bus and discovered everything was silent; no one could have suspected anything because we all were anxious to get to our "dream land".
Suddenly we heard shouts of pain from one of us who went to unirate,we all abandoned what we were doing and became alert wanting to know what was happening.We gathered around the bus looking at each others back.Without warning, one of us was taken by something so fast and was dropped back in our midst. The head had been severed, the bones "all out" from the flesh, blood gushing forth with pain written all over the lifeless body. The heart and the liver had been removed by this mysterious creature.
Then a stunted beast with two “crazed hallogen eyes”, an amoeboic head adorned with four horns. A foul “breath of death” escapes the creatures nostrils set within a cubic shaped nose. The amoeboic head sits on a tiny neck which elongates to a ring shaped body covered with tattered clothes.The creature was without legs, but drift so fast than asphalt car race. It was about taking me when a villager came to our rescue with burning incense in his hands. What a relief!!!, I exclaimed

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