John Mcafee Video Review "It's Not All About the Money"

in #whalepower6 years ago (edited)

John Mcafee video review "Its Not All About The Money

This is undoubtedly the most moving talk I have heard out of Mr. MCafee. I rarely agree with him but I must say I believe he hit the mark on in this video. You may love, hate or be indifferent to John MCafee and what he has to say but you might want to watch or listen to this video about cryptocurrency and the attack its undergoing.

If John Mcafee is really sincere this video will become the target of censorship so I am posting it here and uploading it to dlive if this happens. I would imagine when the US government goes after John MCafee his voice will be silenced and his videos removed like so many others.
7 minutes into this video he states " We represent the greatest threat to every world government that has ever

We being the crypto community. John MCafee goes on to speak about the current system and how it has Controlled or ruled Humanity for thousands of years. He tells us that the writing of human history is a one sided story written by the Controllers and Conquers of the human race and how different history would be if the block chain had been around to preserve the real history.
John MCafee believes
"We are facing a real War and you are facing real possible hardships. Are you willing to do that?"
He declares the war against the crypto community has been underway since the start of 2018.

He does not see how the governments and the banks can win and humanity will adopt a decentralized system of currency and possibly even a decentralized form of government. But he believes the powers that be will not let go of humanity without a desperate fight. If they are defeated they will loose their power. He firmly believes the war will have casualties on both sides.
He speaks of the current market manipulation as the first assault on crypto. He lightly touches on asset backed crypto and states "They are a step backwards for us and created by those who think they are still in power." He believes the war against crypto is heating up and the next battle has already started with 400 subpoena issued by the US aimed at those at the top of decentralized crypto communities and ICO's. He says jail time is a definite possibility and maybe just around the corner for many, even possibly him. He believes this may be only the beginning of the hardships that will plague the crypto community as they attempt to control, Co-opt, or destroy cryptocurrency and block chain technology.

As for myself I believe the first run up of bitcoin to 10K let the powers that be know just how dangerous crypto was to them. They immediately started planning steps to take to stop it dead in its tracks.

He intensifies the talk by saying "Whether or not we succeed in the long term or the short term depends on you."
He closes by implying greed time is over and its time to dig in. He states he will not sell.
He continues by talking about how rare this opportunity is to change the world for the better is and proclaims "Anyone who is satisfied with the status quo is dead inside."

Please watch and comment.

Hi, I am new to steemit this is my first video review. I will be looking for other videos on the web that I believe are relevant to today and bringing them to your attention. I hope they enlighten you. Many videos will be positive and many will be negative. I have been down the rabbit hole many time in 40 years of surfing . Most holes have been empty but some have been full of truth others lies. Which one this video contains you will have to decide.

In this video It appears to me John Mcafee knows there coming for him soon and he is looking for allies. If this is true he will get a lot more public in the coming days.

What do you think?

This Video Was Published by The BLOCKCHAIN NATION under youtubes standard licenses. On May 13, 2018 As Youtube continues to be ban Crazy I thought it might be safer here. It appears to have taken place at the Miami conference in late April 2018.


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Whether or not we succeed in the long term or the short term depends on you.
It should be in the long run instead of in the long term.

I'm sorry Mr. Naxi, I didn't write it, I just transcribed it. Thanks for pointing this out. I will call John and tell him he needs to watch his grammar.

Quoted from 00:13:00.

@johnfdoe, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

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