Got my first stock video clip accepted by Blackbox! Woohoo!

in #writing5 years ago

Woot! Blackbox accepted the first clip that I submitted! I'm sooo excited. :D

It still has to be sent to the stock agencies now and could theoretically be rejected by one, multiple or all of them.
However.. I think if Blackbox accepted, there's a good chance some or all of the agencies will as well I think because Blackbox knows what they are doing, this is a main part of their job.

So now.. It could take a few days to a few weeks up to a month for that clip to be reviewed by the top 4 stock agencies. Each place has different speeds at which they review clips
Yet I feel free to start uploading more now that I know my first clip has been approved by Blackbox! Woohoo!

Unfortunately I'm super busy right now and have to work on an application for the IFC contest I help run on steemit, so I probably won't get any more uploaded today.. But.. Tomorrow!!!! :D

Now.. I also wanna say that I looked around a bit in the Blackbox forum on Facebook for a few days to get a better idea of the feel for things and..
I read a bunch of stories from people who have sold their first clip or who have sold numerous clips through Blackbox.

The first story I read was very positive. A guy after a while sold his first clip and was so excited that he claimed he is working on becoming a full time stock photographer now and was off to go film more he was so inspired.

The second one I read, not nearly as positive. A guy said he finally sold one clip after like I think 5 months and he said he had over a hundred of clips online I think?

I could be a lil fuzzy and off with some of these numbers but it's close enough, that person was asking for help on how to do better and most people said just upload more clips and more high quality unique clips.

I kept reading and found one guy who's been at it for years who is making around 1,000$ a month, that's stock in general by the way not Blackbox as Blackbox is only like around a year old I think

I read another case where a few people only had a couple clips online that were doing better than the guy who wasn't selling much.

One individual.. Said that they only have uploaded one clip and were selling it a lot, they didn't say exactly how much.. But.. One of the main points stressed is to upload many clips in order to do well and these numerous testimonies were showing me you can make some decent cash on the side with a few clips or even with just one single clip.

IF it's something people are interested in and want to buy and I think that's why the one guy has so many clips online but so few sales, it's probably a lot of very regular content. Not trying to be mean but that's my guess because all Blackbox does is send your footage to the top 4 agencies, and there's plenty of people making great cash or even a living off of stock photography on those sites, so if you're not doing well.. You're probably doing something wrong and not following the formula the other people are, I could be wrong.. But that's my guess.

As cool as it is that some people are making cash off of a single clip or a few clips, I have YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of footage on external hard drives and I want to eventually upload thousands of clips and hopefully some day years from now be able to live off of this.

I don't know if that will happen or not, but that is my new goal. And after I upload all my videos, I'll move on to the stock photography sites and upload my still pictures as well.
Between the two, both pictures and videos.. I think eventually hopefully I can make it work. And.. I think that will possibly give me a level of financial freedom I've never had before.

I'm excited and I feel like I'm going to be out filming with most of my free time in the near future, if anyone around Sedona would like to film lemme know! I wanna make some money and create some art!

PS.. I can set it up through Blackbox that if a clip we work on together sells that you automatically get a certain percentage sent to your Paypal account.

I'm willing to give 50% to anyone who serves as a model or who helps significantly in some other kind of way, if you're in the area and wanna film sometime with a potential to make some side cash from it lemme know!


Congrats! that's great news, the foot is in the door.

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