Some thoughts on bullies and the state of the world.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Just saw a link on Facebook in my feed to some documentary about a boy with some kind of disability/mutation with his hands like Elephantitus or something and.. I forget the percentage of the likes/sad faces/laughing emoticon but it felt like the laughing emoticons were between 1/3rd and half of the total..

There was like 30 people laughing at the vid and in the comments I read most of them were joking or making fun of the kid and it.. Hurt.

It made me lose a bit of faith in humanity.

I grew up around someone who was like that.. He would make fun of and laugh at and even try to fuck with people who were overweight or mentally challenged or whatever.. And it always bothered me.

So.. This isn't new to me. I've been used to it my whole life. I've been bullied in similar ways for not being "perfect" by him and others and I know how it feels to some extent even if my afflictions are different.

I dunno.. I guess in a micro/macro way it just sorta reminded me JUST how many people are still like that out there.. And that social media sort of allows bullies to gather and collectively bully people together around the world simply for being different..

It's sad.

I dunno how we're suppose to solve many of these major problems in the world when so many people still get pleasure from others misfortune or making fun of their differences.

I'm getting more and more tired of "normal" people for lack of a better term. I'd rather hang out with the sick and weird and made fun of people. My people are those who are often bullied and who don't fit into societies idea of how people should be.

The outcasts and hermits and even a misanthrope here or there. These people who reject society are much more beautiful to me than those who feel well adjusted to the corruption and immorality of our world. -.-


Many people's minds have disconnected from real feelings and their bodies. This has caused heartlessness, denial, lack of empathy and unconsciousness. The only way to resolve this is to become aware of it and to point ourselves in a healing direction - away from those who are so unfeeling.
Defense mechanisms spring up around denials too - which is often why those who are injured will attack others instead of focusing on healing.

I tend to agree and I think that's one reason I try to reflect the things I see so much. Yet as you pointed out people often don't like to see their reflection from my point of view and then attack me cause they don't like what I see.

I think I'm getting better at describing the undesirable behavior in a way that causes less strong reaction, however the ego is strong in many and rarely do they want to admit to being wrong about just about anything ever, so even if I do manage to say it perfectly and peacefully I think there are still many who are just unwilling to listen. BUT.. We can always plant seeds. :) And maybe some day they will remember what was said and have new context for it due to some other thing happening in their life. So.. Even if it seems like people don't listen right now, they may remember in the future. :)

Sometimes the emotional driver that is causing people to be as they are (aggressive, hateful or related) can be an emotion that we ourselves have denied in ourselves and we are seeing OUR reflection in them. When this is true and recognised, deep and powerful healing becomes possible within us.

Pretty sure I'm not dropping bombs on kids or killing animals or bullying or ignoring/supporting any of those things either.. So.. While I hear that line somewhat often from New Ager type people it's never really made sense to me in that light.

Just cause I speak out against injustice does not mean I am what I speak out against.

At least not this particular individual ego vessel in my opinion, but I welcome your opinion if you can explain it to me how speaking out against bad/immoral things makes me bad/immoral then I'll definitely listen and consider.

Firstly, I am not saying that every example of someone being heartless is a reflection of our own dysfunctions - that would be illogical. I am just saying that sometimes there can be solely or partially a reflection involved of our own issues.

For example, I was once attacked in a nightclub as a teenager. I was about 16 (too young to be in the club) and was washing my hands in a sink in the bathroom when I felt a strong urge that something bad was about to happen.. I was looking in the mirror above the sink at the door because I felt someone would come in and almost immediately a huge body builder (probably steroid junky) flew through the door and tried to punch me from behind! I was thankfully ready and ducked under the punch so that it just scraped my head.(The security gorillas then removed him after I told them about him).

For a long while this confused me because I fully knew something like this was going to happen, but I had no idea why it happened. I had never seen the attacker before. Many years later, after learning about the emotional body and the points of attraction created by our emotions, I realised that I had been carrying around (for years) denied rage and an intent to 'start a fight with whoever pissed me off'. Although I never actually started physical fights, I was never quite at peace either and it was causing me problems in my life. The action of the man attacking me was a relatively extreme trigger that I needed and had drawn to me karmically, to allow me to come into contact with the REAL me and real feelings that I was blocking out (denying). By denying my anger full acceptance in myself and controlling it instead, my mind/mental self was effectively attacking my own emotional system and anger. This self inflicted, non physical violence was completely sub conscious in me yet was ruining my life on some levels and doing me harm. The intelligent processes that govern life itself drew to me a reflection of my own energy to trigger the lessons I needed to come into balance. It just took me a long time to learn what I needed to learn.

So you can see that I am not saying that the reflections provided by people are a 1:1 direct copy of what we are doing - rather they can be a reflection of what is not being recognised in us, presented in a slightly different form, but where the key frequencies involved are a match.

Thanks for clarifying and going into more detail. Gonna have to think a bit on that before I respond.

You are welcome, it is a pretty complicated subject and something that is not simple to fully relate to without having a combination of information, understandings and experience that is relevant.

So.. After thinking about it a while and rereading your comment again just now.. The best I can come up with is.. Maybe it is true that because I was bullied when younger or something like that that I speak out more passionately because of that, but.. I still think just about anyone should be passionate about these kinds of issues even if they didn't personally experience similar kinds of stress. And I'd like to think I'd be very similarly passionate if I didn't get bullied, and I'm pretty sure there's other people out there who care about these issues also and they probably didn't get bullied.. But then again.. It's pretty epidemic, I imagine just about everyone gets bullied at some point, though I dunno what the proper amount is to make one speak out more passionately about such, and I'm not sure if that's potentially what you were getting at with your original comment. But as I mentioned.. I would think about it before I responded, and I did.. And.. That's what I came up with.. Maybe I do speak out more passionately cause of personal experiences I had in my past.

A lot of people just don't know how to deal with these kinds of situations properly. It's not always about the misfortune aspect though because there's a little comedy in everybody since none of us are perfect.

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I agree they don't know how to handle it properly. Or civilly or respectably. Or with a lil bit of empathy. Maybe if they get a serious problem or ilness they will reflect and won't find it so funny in the future. Or.. Maybe not. It's just a bummer to see bullying as almost the norm. Yet simultaneously it seems like almost everyone thinks they're a hero in their own mind.

Well I'm sure you're uplifting people in the mean time. People have a lot of good to say but the media seems to have some trouble displaying the positive.😊

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