A recipe to waste your college degree - A writing prompt

in #writing5 years ago


Prompt - Write about a recipe for something abstract, such as a feeling.

It all starts with the inspiration, without that your more likely to abandon something for nothingness. In this case, breaking a leg will work. It will give you time to sit around in your crappy apartment and think about how that jump from job to job has not worked out so well.

feel free to add in an empty bank account and a stack of old movies that you have watched a hundred times over. with luck your neighbor WiFi will be strong enough to occupy your time with until those mediocre checks from the state arrive in the mail. Then use the checks to buy expensive delivery meals.

Sulk for a bit. This is an important step. Then, after you have felt sorry for your self long enough, and once the pain medication wears out. Use your laptop to waste more time, play a game, chat on AOL, look at… kittens, then wonder on over to the college websites and, after looking at the cost of tuition, lower your standards to the community college closest to you.

search for something your are interested in and then, and this is important, waste even more time playing your game. Return a few times to the site and, after scoffing at the idea of spending four years obtaining a degree, select one that can get you on the fast track to a useless diploma in just two years.

Remember, your going into this knowing that this diploma is, for the most part, little more then a jumping off point to a more prestige degree and will only, if anything, get you and entry level job. disregard the facts and pretend that you already will simply walk into your dream job because your going to be that great.

signup for classes, feel good about yourself and return to the internet to waste more time.

For the next two years,whatever you do, do not take this education seriously! by all means waste more time. This is where you get to add your own flair to this recipe. Here are some of my own personal favorites: drink way to much booze, go watch that local band for the hundredth time, always do what your friends want to do, work extra hours to pay for the trips to the bar, watch a lot of TV, only do half-ass work on your school projects, drink some more, don’t listen to those pesky teachers with real would experience, buy a lot of stuff you can not afford, go to Las Vegas-a few times and make sure you never spend a Friday or Saturday evening at home. — This ingredients are sure to take away from the importance of your work.

Cooked this wasteful gumbo for two years and make sure you do not prepare a setting such as a resume or internship or portfolio. Everyone else will have already done that and you don’t want to be like them, do you?

Continue to waste away in bad job after bad job until your are completely miserable. Watch your degree devalue year after year as your student loan payments keep raising up no matter how much you have already paid.

Bitch and moan for another few years until your regret over grows your laziness. Find new meaning philosophy and great writings.

Then, end the rant you are typing right now because you have a future to build and regret makes for shitty building materials.


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