Building up to Christmas with Dusty the Demon Hunter - A Blast from the Past - Santa’s Little Helper - Final Part

in #writing6 years ago

Over the years, we've had some tight-times as a family and I had to work at a couple of nightclubs to get a little extra cash from time-to-time.

Working extra and overtime has never been a problem for either of us, you do what you need to do, don't you?

Working at clubs, where being polite to drunken customers is prerequisite sometimes gets a little wearing, especially when I'd rather be at home, wrapping presents for the kids. Still, there's something magical about Christmas Eve on the doors. People seem to be more cheerful, less aggressive, ore in keeping with the season, I suppose - or maybe I was just lucky?

I remember those Christmases, Trev went off to work a couple of hours after I got home and the kids would be revved-up and wanting to open their gifts. They were always aware that they wouldn't be allowed to open anything until their dad got home and so they stayed in bed for as long as they could.

To be honest and truthful, Trev and I have been really fortunate. As we get older and more settled and financially secure, life is more relaxed. Not only do we no longer have to work day and night to make ends meet, we can actually chill-out, lean back and watch the hectic season passing by. We don't have small children now, so shopping at 2am for the Christmas food is do-able and certainly less stressful.

In fact, it would seem that most of the stresses of this season are melting away more with each passing year. We've learned the lessons of previous generations, and while we don't have it 100% yet, things are nowhere near as rushed and miserable as I remember Christmases past could be.

There are no timetables, no absolute 'You HAVE to be there at such a time and then here 45minutes later and then on to...'

No. We put a stop to that madness first. My children come over to our house for Christmas dinner if they want to and if they don't want to, that's fine too. As long as they let us know so we're not buying too much food, it's all good.

We have wonderful children and now they have their own wonderful children and we can watch the magic of Christmas through the eyes of children again, without the stresses.

And you know what? I can see why adults love Christmas as well as children. It's the season of magical possibilities and I enjoy watching the children experience it all.

I hope you have a wonderful, stress-free Christmas.

Here's the final part of Santa's Little Helper.

Santa’s Little Helper

A Dusty the Demon Hunter Story


D Michelle Gent

When at last the sky was beginning to lighten as the sun finally caught up with them, Santa delivered Dusty back to her home.

The landing was much smoother this time and though she was tired, Dusty was delightfully happy.

Santa got out of the sleigh and came around to her side and lifted her down.

He stood resplendent in his green robes, trimmed with ermine.

The robes now looked as though they had been tailored just for him.

He filled out the clothing magnificently and his bead and hair spilled over the green in perfect, luminous contrast.

Dusty thought that she preferred the green to the new tradition of red robes.

The green harkened back to an age where deities were revered, worshipped and utterly ruthless.

“I have left you a gift, sweetness. You’ll find it tomorrow but only use it when absolutely necessary because it will take you over if you let it.”

Then the final verse could be heard over to the side of the driveway and as Dusty’s attention was diverted by the words, Santa did exactly as the poem told:

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Dusty may have been tired, but she was also curious. She went over to the bushes where she had heard the poem being spoken and as she approached, a beautiful robin hopped on to a branch and began to sing.

Dusty was so close that it stopped her in her tracks at its brazen fearlessness. She listened for a moment or so and then turned to go back to her window and her bed.

As she turned, the robin stopped singing and Dusty heard the repeat of the last line:

"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

She turned back to where the robin was still sat on the branch and it winked at her, bobbed forward in the semblance of a miniature bow and then took flight, chirruping as he went.

Dusty clambered back up to her window and pulled it open.

She scrambled inside, too weary to be anything but clumsy and she got back in bed. She was surprised at how warm it was under her covers and she was so tired that she didn’t see the present that Santa had left for her.

A few hours later, when her grandparents had got too impatient to wait any longer, they went upstairs to wake her up. They took her stocking and her presents and dumped them on the bed to wake her.

It was only after their gifts had been unwrapped that she saw Santa’s gift lying right at the bottom of her bed, adorned with a beautiful green ribbon.

It was Santa’s sword.

She picked it up and showed her grandparents. She told them the story of her adventure the previous night and then she saw the note on the hilt.

“This is a gift that will come to you when you think you need it. Use it wisely, it is strength, honour, fortitude and determination but it is also aggression, fury and anger. Remember the blade is double-edged and you will vanquish all enemies, yet never lose sight of why I call you ‘sweetness’. Happy Christmas!”

The End


Merry Christmas my darling :))) xxxxxxx

Merry Christmas to you too, Beautiful <3

We're going to London over the holidays, I'll let you know when and try to catch up if at all possible xxx

I felt that on the eve of Christmas your work will come to an end. I am very happy with what I read, especially the way it ended, it was nice and unexpected, especially what was written on the hilt. This is the most excellent wish. I'm glad that I read everything from the beginning to the end, you are a master of your business, especially to create an atmosphere of any genre.
Thank you and wish you a merry Christmas, and let all your plans be realized!

What a wonderful greeting and sentiment you offer! Thank you.

I wish a Happy Christmas to you and yours too and I wish peace and tranquility in the New Year.

I remember times when I had to work as a bartender on Christmas and New Year's Eve. It was really overwhelming but really fun too.
Thank you for the wonderful Christmas read. What's next after Dusty?

Yes, everyone seems to have the same aim - to be marvellously drunk and to kiss as many people as possible while the season calls for it.

Dusty has a few adventures already written and I'm plotting another yet.

Awesome! Can't wait to read it.

Thanks for great work
Wish you.. Merry christmas & Happy holiday

Thank you @lordoftruth.

I wish you and yours a happy, hopeful Christmas, filled with peace.

Thank you michelle, I want to wish you also a merry Christmas..

Thank you. I wish a Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Enjoy tomorrow, the kids make it more magical :)

Thx michelle..
I gave my daughter her own steemit account as christmas gift from me.. Kids make life so magical indeed. I hope you want to have a look, she is so creative..

Great end ..Merry christmas.

Thank you. I'm pleased you enjoyed it!

Merry Christmas!

Wow great creation my friend ..I realize that you every create that outstanding ..I follow your every part writing ...I think that you will be creator of steemit ...Merry Christmas ..✌✌✌😊😊

Thank you! Merry Christmas!

Merry christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Happy holidays and merry xmas. Enjoy it family.

Merry Christmas to you too!

Beautiful story. Nice job you did therem

I wish you, your family and the people around you a merry Christmas

Thank you! It has a satisfying ending, I think. I'm pleased you liked it.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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