Scientific review, Ingestion of certain foods that increases visceral fat.

in Popular STEM29 days ago

Scientific review, Ingestion of certain foods that increases visceral fat.

Refined sugar added to foods is very, very harmful, it does not provide vitamins or minerals and consuming too much can cause weight gain among other problems.

Refined sugar is approximately 50% fructose which is a type of simple sugar that is metabolized in our liver and when we consume it in large quantities our liver can convert fructose into fat and this can increase the storage of visceral fat.

And the most harmful, most dangerous added sugars are those that come in liquid form, in soft drinks, in sodas, in industrial juices, for example, because they are the ones that do not make you feel full and we consume them in really large quantities and without realizing it, Not only is it the sugar that we spoon into tea or coffee, it is also present in many foods.

There are scientific studies that have concluded that drinking a small amount of alcohol, especially red wine, can have benefits for our health. However, drinking too much alcohol can be harmful to our body and among the problems it causes is the accumulation of visceral fat, the famous beer belly, in fact, several studies have shown that drinking too much alcohol can encourage fat to be stored as visceral fat

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