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RE: My Actifit Report Card: August 14 2019

in #actifit5 years ago

Scarring? Could it become dangerous? I don't take statins anymore as we have found a generic and I took the first tablet last night. It is called Atorvastatin and it has much less side effects.
We will pray that the silt will disappear my friend.
Did they put stents in both legs, or above the legs in the pubic area?


Atorvastatin is the one I take it’s still a statin but one of the better ones with less side effects

If the scarring which I think is sometimes called calcification keeps building up it could be dangerous but I would feel it in my calves when walking before it gets to dangerous and go in and see the Dr earlier and get it sorted so far no issues when walking and the scarring is minor so only slightly restricting blood flow and nit a big deal and maybe they will go away on there own
They did my right leg first on that one there is one stent just above my public area and two going down my leg
On my left leg there is one long stent from mid upper leg going down past my knee I never knew they could be so long

All will be good I am sure and just about to get off the train and head for my morning walk

I think the statin that I stopped Pravastatin, is the one that prevents calcification JJ.
But it has many side effects such as muscle degeneration and that's why I stopped taking it. I am on my second day of taking Atorvastatin now.

Do you also take the other tablets such as blood pressure and blood thinners?
Then I also take one to prevent stomach lining inflammation and two Cortisone for an unknown skin condition that is aggravated by the sun.

Yeah, I am a walking pharmacy Lol.

I am on a mix now i forget all the names an inhaler i take each morning to help Controll the COPD because of having had TB and damaged lungs, Baby Aspirin, Astorvastatin, a blood thinner, I am also taking vitamin D as those levels went down for some reason but thats over the counter and a probiotic again over the counter, I think there is one more but I forget which one that is

And my Wife takes a different bunch of pills so between the three of us were for sure a pharmacy LOL

I just had a crazy Tribe idea JJ.
How many steemians are walking pharmacy's?
Why don't you and I start a support group where people can discuss their problems and give each other advice at overcoming similar problems?

The new Hardfork will be better for curators and so, let's curate???

I am sure there are many of us walking pharmacies on here but that could be a good idea for a tribe /support group but I have no clue how tribes work or are setup to be honest

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