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RE: My Actifit Activity Log [10.5.2018] A regular day.

in #actifit6 years ago

I promise nothing financially @zeeshannaqvi72... Nothing but the satisfaction and health benefits of being more intentional and creative with your health. Getting 10,000 steps in before 10am basically means that your prioritizing your health first thing in the day. That’s going to translate into better physical results annnnnd quite possibly a ranking among the Top 10 Actifiters for the day!

The way I see it is... if you tell a kid that you will pay them 💰 to clean their room... then they will only clean their room when you pay them! The exchange of money between two people can often change the relationship dynamic in healthy and unhealthy ways. So to, rewards for being the best version of yourself, could fundamentally change your relationship with yourself and your health. Have you ever thought of this?

So on that note... and because I actually want people to think about this... and realizing that SteemIt is a very transactional place even though it is also an Influence Engine... I will be 100% upvoting the people who achieve an #AutomaticWin with my @AdventureReady account!

What!? You didn’t see that coming?! Hahahaha! 😂

Honestly! I love SteemIt because it allows me to be generous and add value to every conversation I engage in! I think this concept is an amazing one and when you consider that money is influence and influence is money... (If you don’t believe me than try to get someone to reach into their pocket and hand you their hard earned money with out first influencing them!) investing in the SteemIt platform and making full use of it is a no brainer! 🤔😜😁

I hope I see you getting #AutomaticWin’s @zeeshannaqvi72! And thank you for the fantastic question! 😁


@wil.metcalfe I completely agree with you and your example of kids cleaning room impressed me a lot. It's true we should periortise our health first thing in the morning.

It's hard for me to achieve it right now because my kids are too young right now plus I am working from home these days soon going to Seattle them in nursery than it is easy to achieve.

But I quite like you idea it is really good I am sure everyone will love it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I completely understand your sentiment @zeeshannaqvi72! Having kids is a major priority and it can often be a real life challenge to take care of your health during their formative years! It’s not always going to happen. Some days will end up as quite the mess but honestly! It’s so worth it to carve out even 5-10-15min. to improve your health. Trust me... your kids will thank you later on!

I think a lot of people believe they NEED to workout for an hour or two when they take time for themselves... so they don’t do anything to improve their health and fitness... I mean who has that much time with everything that’s going on anyway!?

But you wouldn’t believe the benefits the body can get from even a short duration of focused time on your health. If anything it’s really good as a mental reset and to just keep the habits of good health going.

For me I, personally, think of it this way...

“You know that something is important when only you can do it.”

Only you can be a good father to your kids. (You wouldn’t want someone else to do that for you right?!)

Only you can be a good husband to your wife, if your married that is. (Trust me! You wouldn’t want someone else to do that for you right!?)

So to, only you can take care or your health and fitness... no one else can do it for you.

That’s how I make sure all of the important things are taken care of. I blocked off on my weekly schedule and I take the time to prioritize those things because if I don’t do them no one will. 🙂

Thank you for the feedback on the #AutomaticWin Challenge! I really do hope that the @actifit community enjoys this challenge and “runs” with it! 😂😁

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