
Yes! That is the truth! You get one mother in life and it isn't until we are adults that we realize that life is so fleeting and we bubble up to the top of the food chain quickly.

Of course, it is after we have kids that we are in that position of questioning out own selves... would my mother be proud of the way I live my life out in front of my own children...

Oh, my thoughts went wandering! Sorry!

It is truly a lovely picture and your mothers' expression, eyes closed, hugging you tight is very telling of her love for you, just as your Cheshire cat smile of satisfaction.

A wonderful shot.


This is a very powerful photo! I love the light - adds to the emotion of it 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is the greatest gift of all
Thanks for sharing this mommy and son hug,
and I am sure it touches a lot of heart today.
Thanks again.

That's untradeable, it's a beautiful hug full of immense love.
This just made me miss my mom whom I lost 4years ago...

Posted using Partiko Android

That is a great shot!!!!

Oh my, yes you do. You very much do!

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.01% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

It has to be done!

Mom's love is always precious for us.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes sir! My mom hasn’t been doing so well lately so this really struck home! You are a great guy!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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