Pile it up

in #art6 years ago

This is a pile of my works since I’m on the blockchain

“When will you get your head out of the clouds and start doing some real work again?” was referred to my Steem journey and newfound joy for creating again. “You should find a professional who could teach you some rules of shading and ..” Shh. It was better when stuck in the loop, fitting at the society’s norms of miserable, blank staring the screens all awake hours, not lifting a pencil or a brush, or slowly walking towards the tiniest progress, right? Yeah. I guess it is no longer a secret that I’ve been heavily depressed.

However, I am proud of my little pile of most certainly not perfect, but finished drawings, paintings, cartoony, strange creations I’ve crafted for hours and hours, and that they have made me ponder, giggle, cry, skip around like a magical pixie horse just for fun and joy, relieved me of stress and mitigated shitty anxiety attacks.

I am grateful for Steem keeping me at it and for waking me up from my slumber that lasted for years thinking I’ve lost it all long time ago and that I don’t have it in me anymore or didn’t have it in me in the first place. It represents so, so much more than just the creative journey. It is hope. A spark. It is bits and pieces of my suppressed conscience breaking through in shapes and colors beyond words that never made sense to me anyway. My head might be in the clouds, but this has really helped me. So I will keep piling it up!

Song of the day: Lana Del Rey - 13 Beaches  


Dope little pile you got going on there :)

Thank you so much @gotmeens! Ah, I would like to see and go through your piles too! Or is it mountains now? hehe :)

Hahaha I been burning that candle at both ends, I need to stack it all up and make a little post :)

pile them up @m31. You get exactly how I feel about my creativity. I had so many rejection letters from literary journals that I had all but given up on writing or even publishing but steem has rekindled the fire and now I am discovering creative sides that I didn't know I had. So keep sketching, painting, drawing. It is a beautiful thing, to be able to create something, anything.

Thank you for sharing and your kind words @warpedpoetic! :)

I missed my creative side a lot, but also simply felt like couldn't and that everything I did was not good enough. This has changed since I was lucky to discover Steem. I hope to keep doing creative things and find out more and more about my abilities :)

I just love that little hedgehog of yours <3

Thank you! I love the little needle mouse too. Something about making them always brings me extra joy like nothing else I've done before. It is funny, because it is so simple by design. I need to send my little hedgehog on new adventures soon ^^

Congratulation! I feel the same about Steemit. I was sleeping for 1,5 years, then I woke up and made so many new things... it´s good to have an motivator. Keep it going :)

Thanks :)

It is one of things I love about this place. People sharing what they do and love. Definitely wouldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for Steem.

I like the coy at the top and would like to see it in color. I love to see people putting talents to use and sometimes dry spells will come around and sometimes we all need a good kick up the rear to back in the swing of things. Please post some more of your work?

Have a good one

Hehe, it was actually meant to be a little minnow fishy, but the colors I picked really look a lot more like coy fish :)

Will do. Thank you.

Have a good one you too! ^^

Well it's a really nice little confusion, we'll call it confusion minnow coy. Thnks for the pic, I'm saving it to Pinterest if you don't mind?

Hehe. Not at all :)

Excellent work friend, much talent as always, and through these small drawings is transmitted many more thoughts, ideas I love the image of the dog.

The one with the dog is really special one for me :) I think it was one of the first things I posted here too.

That's right I have two poodle, very playful and affectionate are mini.

I've had the same thing said to me - that I should go learn art "formally" ... Yes, it could help, but in the end, we need to do what we feel is best for us. ... I'm extremely happy doing what I do at my own pace in my own way, and it seems you are finding much happiness doing that same thing... So just ignore the "think-they-know-better"s ;P

I don't know if you'll remember but some weeks ago I said I would share my number one favourite song ever with you at some point... And I've been waiting for a good time to do this. I think that this post is perfect ... So please go listen to By This River by Brian Eno

I always find it hard to express just how much this song means to me and how much it has helped me for over 16 years to get through all kinds of bad times. I hope it does the same for you from now on <3

Haha! Think-they-know-better's! Well, sometimes it is really hard to ignore them, specially when they turn out to be one of the closest people to you. They think they wish only well, but it sure stings.

Thank you for sharing it with me! It's simply beautiful! Aww.

You'll see, it only makes you feel better, no matter what is happening (and despite having such a sad melody). Listen to it again, right now! ;) ..

(Hehe... The very first time I heard it, I played it on repeat for an entire weekend.)

greetings .... very nice writing I have images, doing what we like helps us to de-stress, motivate us to love our job more luck ...

hello excellent friend work as always, beautiful imagination and creativity, good thing that after so long came a good awakening. regards

You got a 40.22% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @m31!

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