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RE: I ain't scared

in #art5 years ago (edited)

There is hope, but the folks need to be educated. If they want this, they have to build it. It's not up to a few at the top to make it work and curate everything. They need to contribute as well, or they'll shoot themselves in the foot and not have a stage to perform on. Set it up for success early on so it doesn't devolve into the blame game down the road, like what happened to Steemit (which hopefully gets fixed with this next hardfork or two).

There were always far more creative types than anything else. Digital busking. It's genius. Plus all these creative types have the natural ability to create the quality ads and promotions to help get the word out to the outside world. Certainly can't just sit here preaching to the choir.

Curators who aren't creative can simply sit back and get paid to be entertained. That's new in this world. Also genius.

Everything here is so fresh, mistakes were made on Steemit that people can learn from, get it right.

Still rambling. I should probably go to sleep.


If they want this, they have to build it. It's not up to a few at the top to make it work and curate everything.

This is the part I feel like people are missing. They're still stuck in that centralized mindset. They're screaming that "someone" should fix this, or do that better. But WE all have to do that stuff. We all have to contribute. So if you can be a whale for a few hundred bucks and help in dangling that little carrot that gets them going, that's something a lot of people are capable of and now's the time.

"Someone" should fix this. Everyone now has the chance to be that someone they were looking for.

One of the biggest mistakes people made on Steemit was draining their SP, after earning thousands. There could literally be tens of thousands of votes out there worth a dime, or even less, or more; and everyone could be earning more. Instead they'd post, cash out, and wait for that miracle massive vote to fall down from the sky. Imagine what Steemit would be if those of us who started way back in 2016 cashed out. It's easy to blame Steemit for the problems but in reality the power was placed in the hands of the community. Now there's an opportunity for a fresh start and if folks continuously drain their accounts, in one year or two, they can only blame themselves for once again setting themselves up to not be able to earn.

I'm with you, and also happy being paid to be entertained for the most part.

Sleep does sound good though, perhaps i'll put the popcorn down and do some of that.

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