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RE: The Avengers: Oh No Loki, You Didn't!

Hey, @artgirl.

It's cool you're still working through these movies. I missed this one so I'm coming back to it.

When Avengers came out, aside from the first Iron Man, movie, it essentially blew away everything else before it. You have all the characters we've been seeing separately coming together for the first time. They're supposed to for a team, but they can't quite get there heads around it, not just because of Loki, but because they're all independent and used to doing things their way, on their own.

You finally get to see them working together for the common cause when it's all on the line. And the Hulk, well for me, he just steals the show during the fight scene in New York. It's the Hulk like the Hulk should be.

But then, other movies came out, and somehow, some of them, not all of them, were able to nudge the original Avengers down just a notch. Or maybe make room for a tie at the top. In some ways, it's just hard to rate them because they're good in their own ways.

Age of Ultron is still good, but the first Avengers was better, but then comes Infinity War, and the first Avengers has to take a backseat just based on the sheer magnitude of the stakes, and because of all of the heroes involved. It was an ensemble cast done right.

And I'm hoping that Endgame manages to outdo Infinity War. I don't how they'll do it, but they've managed to up the ante more than they've missed so far. And the directors and writers for these last two Avengers movies are the best of the lot, in my opinion.

First Avengers still very good, though. It will always be the movie where we first saw them fight together, and be thrilled by it all. :)


Yeah I'm planning on only doing Avengers since this post plus Thor 2. Haha.

And I can rate them but I think I'm done doing reviews. I'll just watch them.

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