Arsenic Lullaby -Star Wars commission / blog- Attack you curs!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

The bill has come due for this lovely banner I had done for Comic-Con International (funny story about the booth next to me...remind me to tell you about it later)


I'll be paying for it with the steem I earned here (once I figure out how to convert it and get it into my bank) which you might say "this is a stupid time to pull out any steem" which I'll say "you are correct but now is the time the bill is due" AND...the following statement applies to that and to the hand-wringing I see here and there--

THIS IS ALL HOUSE MONEY FOR ME...If the grand total of my account drops to .99, that's .99 cents more than facebook has EVER given me...AND we are YEARS away from the time paying attention to the price of steem on a daily basis is worth doing. We are in BETA MODE people. I've seen steem go up and down and up and down the entire time I've been here...and I'VE ONLY BEEN HERE TWO MONTHS. I honestly don't know what some of you people are worried about. Anything new often gets fluctuation, the bottom line is...the site works, people like it, people are using it, people are talking about...give it a minute to get some traction.

It may be unsettling to people who are only experienced in finance and not creative enterprises. But that's what this is, a creative enterprise. ...STEEM is connected to STEEMIT. I t's not just a vague fiat currency. It is connected to a creative content based platform. So what you need to be looking at is not a grid or a pie chart, but the CONTENT. The CONTENT will tell the story, not the bar-graph. The bar graph is for currencies that have no value other than last weeks bar-graph. Steem is connected to the content of steemit, and the ability of that content to attract people to the platform. Zuckerburg didn't make a zillion bucks in any way other than getting people to go to his platform. WE need only do likewise. We need only create great content HERE and go back to those other awful platforms and tell the people THERE, what is going on HERE. That includes YOU, financial minded types, you want to protect and grow your investment? SHARE SOME CONTENT ON SOME OTHER PLATFORM.

What, do you imagine, would happen to the value of steem if people all over instagram where talking about steemit? If people stated seeing links to blogs from steemit all over fb? news stories started popping up about people leaving FB or Instragram to go to steemit? You think it'll maybe go up? hmm? Stop yakking about crypto and start pulling your weight. It's in your own best interest to do so, yes?

Follow me? It's not hard...I sent out a mass email last week, added a link to my homepage, wrote up a blog, and have been posting about steemit on other platforms. WE all just do those things and everything will be gold. It's not complicated, just remember this phrase "content is king". Make great content, show of great content, succeed. Simple as that. What do we have here now? a couple million people? We can double that in like a month if we make a concerted effort...and once the snowball is rolling downhill, everything takes care of itself. That's how FB did it, that's how instagram did it, that how youtube did it...need I go on?

Here's some examples of me going back and bringing people in, that may also work for you...


Of course we all know the FB algorithm fucks you when you try to post a using screen caps works well there...


Instagram is full of younger more savvy users who are bright enough to already be looking around. You don't have to beat them over the head with a stick, just mention you are there...(note the last comment so far)


And you just keep at it. Once a week, or here and there...people (especially the ones on Facebook) need to see things several times before they get a clue. Don't give up, don't get discouraged. Maybe you don't see yourself having a direct effect...the last straw breaks the camels back...but there were a whole lot of other straws needed. You could be no 49 of the 50 times someone sees steemit mentioned before joining. Maybe you only get one've done YOUR part in doubling the size then haven't you?

ALSO...when people get'd be nice if the tags list wasn't full of obscure tags that no one outside of a crypo blogger even knows the import of...much less gives a flying fuck about. PEOPLE WILL COME HERE FOR THE CONTENT. How the FUCK are we supposed to keep the casual passerby interested with these tags?!

I understand that it's based on popularity ( on steemit) and since this is a crypo based site all the early stuff likely had tags about crypto and it snowballed from there. Because any content maker with a brain who came in early used common posts ( like say ctypto) even is her/his content had nothing to to with it. So I'd be willing to bet 30% of the posts that used "crypto" had nothing to do with crypto...maybe 70%. Meanwhile "art" is the ONLY tag that covers -comic book art, movie art, book cover art, horror art, tattoo art. That's not helpful.

I also understand that the tags list is just run by code, or so I've been told. There seems to be a lot of tags on there that have 4000 or less uses...and yet no "comics" tag. But whatever, "it's code"...can't someone just add to the code? Hmmm? Perhaps add tags than the general population are interested in? Hmmmmm? Think that might help?

I'm repeating myself, and I will continue to, when I say this- Comic book properties are absolute KING of the pop culture right now. Comic book movies, TV shows, ect. Yet there is no comicbooks tag. not so great for getting new people interested.

Here's what we're gonna do...( props to @tryskele and @ecoinstant for the idea) we're going to use the hashtag "comics" in every post AND in every single comment on a comic book post (or fuck it, ANY comment on any's for the good of steemit). If the code tracks hashtags...then we'll give it hashtags. #comics every...single...time...we say something, until it's up in the tags list. and we'll do the same with #comicbooks. and I'd advise every other content creator to do the same with their stuff #tattooo #horror... #juggling...whatever, it's all more interesting than #crypto to the MILLIONS of people who are not here yet, who's presence will increase the value of you #steem. Kapeesh?

sigh...okay...Saturday nights, I'll be doing this and plugging it on other If you are interested in a commission (which will be fairly important for me to keep doing this), hit me up in the comment or on discord, or via email douglaspasz --at-


See you monday! (the exclusive it still coming...still can't find the files...that's BAD. I'm running out of places to look and it took about 45 man hours to do the thing.)



dont they accept zombie foetus as payments

what kind of business are they running not accepting zombie foetuses are payments



also im not on any other social media except for steemit cuz fb always freaked me out for years and years and years now

but good luck, brave voodoo warrior !

all my support !!!!!!!!

The value of a Zombie fetus is far greater than the cost of the banner, and they do have change. #comics

they could give you credits for future banners #comics

what if they go out of business? They end up whistling down the road with my fetus and I'm left with nothing. Look, you, don't tell me how to invest my fetuses, I know what I'm doing. #comics


be that way !


So, how about if you pay them in voodoo curses, then.


I’m really glad you’re here Sir.


I'm glad you're here too. #comics

I’m here for #comics
Lol I never wrote a hashtag before.

That's the way, get your own hashtags going. I don't know how many people pay attention to them, as personally I don't look at them any more. I have enough variety in my own feed these days to discover new things. Plus, heaps of people I follow are sharing new content and content creators so that's how I basically discover new people on Steemit. That's how I found you. =)

New people from other sites will be checking hashtags...and seeing 118 hastags about cryptocurrency is not going to peak their interest and make them go "wow what a cool new place full of interesting content". I'm the forward looking type. #comics

I've got to say, while crypto talk dominates this site, it is interesting that #art is one of the consistently highest trending tags on the site. There's hope yet. =)

How do you think @arseniclullaby what will happen next?

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