IQ, bell curves, and the 4%, (and the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy)..

in #blog6 years ago


Oh, and my attempt to explain why we are in the shit that we are, right now...

What is the number to the meaning of life?
According to Douglas Adam's in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy..... the number is 42.
M A T H (M = 13 etc..)
13+1+20+ 8 = 42
Ok, that's the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference out of the way, I just wanted to mention it, cos I love the book.

When the number of coincidences keep repeating, in different various guises, and it makes you feel like you are drowning in insanity, you gotta get swimming ....

Coincidences of math only adds weight to any potential truth in hiding, out there.

And this is where I am right now.

I see numbers and correlations, linked with psychology, sociology, politics and economics....and revolutions.

It's like a disconnected model - totally independent of each other, yet with tenuous filagree's running to connect them. Sometime they are invisible, BUT sometimes, you get just a glimpse of the connections.
And it all makes sense.
Then they are invisible again. Evaporated.. And leaving the observer (me) to ponder, fixated and staring at what was real - unable to fix definite positions of connections.

Leaving the romantic description aside as a way to describe the feeling I have, lets back to to facts figures, percentages and ratio's instead.
Math. 42.

Rather than construct the argument that is malformed and at the moment, seems to be grasping for any purchase it can, I thought ' why not present the various filigree's and let other's run with it?'

I have always had a talent for being the person to throw the spark in the stack, and leave other people - people way more diligent than myself- to make the pyre.

So here are the sparks, and if others can see what I see, run with it, (or we can collaborate )
And if no one does, I'll keep trying to build it into something more coherent until people can see what I see..

So I'll leave various snippets of information with you, that are seemingly unrelated. But SO related, trust me.
..and hopefully you can see what i can see, even partially...

There are crumbs and there is a path to follow...


Taking Dunbars number as fact.

Taking the monkey sphere as a fact. (the same thing as Dunbars number but expressed slightly differently).

Taking 4% of any given society being made up of personality traits we would put under the heading of psychopaths, sociopaths, and malignant narcissists, as a fact.

If we take the above as facts, and working from there - I think it possible to rationally explain WHY we have the system we do in regards to hierarchy and conflict.

Add in IQ bell curve distributions, and I feel there is a MODEL that can justify the equation.

dunbars number + 4% pschy/socio/mal narc + IQ bell curve = Why we have what we have today.

Why corruption always seems to grow with social structures
Why the rich are allowed to continue a system that is bad for everyone - including themselves in the long run.
Why power is maintained in a status quo, until events force change. (social, technological, environmental).


Before I try to unravel this ball of string, a perspective must be kept concerning 'the 4%' This is important, and makes the 'equation building' become more like an attempt to plait steam.

The 4 %

The 4% are very possibly the main reason we have made so many advances in the world. Their personality traits can have massive positive benefits for society.
They are the pioneers, the single minded ambition that delivers, the doctors fixing the wounded up in the middle of war zones, the leaders who's love of adoration propels them to do great things. They are the charismatic leaders that can affect change for the better....

...They are also the tyrants who commit genocide, the corporate CEO who will happily let people die, instead of reducing company profits, the lawyers who will defend the killer to win a case, not to see justice.
The politician who will say and do anything, to keep power...

The 4% are all_of these people, sometimes _both_and so we cannot blindly use the 4% as a whipping boy, for this is not accurate - but rather understand the dynamics of the 4%, how they influence society in the direction it is going, and by understanding them, make sure they are useful in society, not detrimental....

The 4% do have some character traits that appear to be consistent with these personality types.

I use these traits to cover the spectrum, but they vary greatly between individuals (just like IQ).


Specifically the psychopath - 1 % (i e 25% of the 4 %)

On the first impression, psychopaths generally appear charming, engaged, caring and friendly.
Psychopaths do not show the common symptoms associated with neurotic behavior.
This includes nervousness, high anxiety, hysteria, mood swings, extreme fatigue, and headaches.
On the contrary, when in situations that most normal people would find upsetting, psychopaths appear unnerved, and emotionally void of fear and anxiety.

Initially, psychopaths are highly reliable, devoted and trustworthy, then suddenly and without provocation, they become extremely unreliable and show no regard or interest to how their actions affect the situation, regardless of its importance.

Where they were once viewed as being honest and with sincere intentions, they will do a sudden about face and begin lying without concerns. This holds true even in small matters when there is no benefit in lying, yet the psychopath will choose to be untruthful.

When psychopaths are finally confronted with their lack of responsibility, honesty or loyalty, it generally has no impact on their attitude or future performance.

They are unable to perceive that other people value truthfulness and integrity.

Antisocial behavior like cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating, fighting, adultery and killing, appeals to psychopaths.
They appear drawn to antisocial behavior that is high risk and has no apparent goal.
Some theorize that psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations or where there is a high risk of being arrested, because of the adrenaline rush that they experience.
Others believe that they do it in order to reinforce their sense of superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including the police.

Psychopaths are highly ego maniacal to the point that it is hard for a normal person to comprehend it as being real.
Their self-centeredness is so deeply rooted and unchangeable that it renders them completely incapable of loving others, including parents, spouses and their own children.

The only time psychopaths show an ordinary response to kindness or special treatment by others is when it can be used to their advantage or facilitate some personal plan or goal.


The sociopath and Malignant Narcissist (the 75 %, of the 4%)

In terms of this project, think of sociopaths as similar, but different.
The y exhibit far less self control, and commonly have anger issues. And easily express them.
They are generally far easier to recognize, due to the lack of self discipline that is inherent in the psychopath.

Think of sociopaths as the unruly cousin of the psychopath, who sometimes feel guilty for their actions..

Malignant narcissism. (as opposed to 'just narcissism', to which everyone possesses to some degree or another).


Think of them as the brother to the sociopath, so as to be almost indistinguishable.

And then add into the mix...
.... that IQ plays a big part in the way these character traits will present to others.


Trying to explain the monkey spheres and Dunbar's number - in respect to the 4% - and how it fits in - and how that has affected societies structure's and hierarchy.


I'm not sure what connections you see or conclusions you hope to see reinforced or debunked with this post. But I am quite curious about the discussion this might bring about.
I did not know before now, what "The Monkey Sphere" was and will take some time for me to digest the article. It does work as an explanation for the apathy and self imposed ignorance of most people, which would allow the egotist and narcissist to dominate public policy. But it does not explain why the masses would continue to support the demonstrable sociopaths for continuing and ever increasing power. Maybe that's where the IQ curve you mentioned factors in. I've never seen an IQ curve, but assume the only thing that lifts most peoples IQ reading off the base line is the inclusion of monkeys.
I look forward to your further posts on this subject.


the next part is where it gets a little complicated...

... don't forget the Golden Ratio - God's number

How do you mean? (In relation to this post)... can you expand a little?

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