My final words on Steem.... Nah, I'm not going....But I am putting it to bed....lets party!

in #blog5 years ago

This was a post from steemteam @andrarchy whoever it happens to be .....lets call it @baah


This was my reaction....

I'm honored that the steem team you seem to find me so irksome.
How many critics are there here?
Just me? (and @sunlit ?).
When are you gonna give me job? A brain is definitely required in your establishment...

Only 2 accounts deigned fit to mentioned - out of how many users?
Real people not sock accounts....

MMmm...lets say 10,000 for the sake of it......and I get a full post with my name on is (and sunlit).

Honored, indeed.

I never realized, truly - That I was that worthy of attention, or that I made that much of an impression on you.

So thank you, for that.

The energy invested into making your post to attack, is praise indeed.
Over sensitive, much?

To one person ..? Lil ole me. (and sunlit), on a platform of, lets say ....


(Yourselves and the rest of the team, are to be thankful that I never really put my mind into it!)

Although narcissists don't, or won't, show it, all perceived criticism feels gravely threatening to them—the reason that their inflamed, over-the-top reactions to it can leave us so surprised and confused. Deep down, clinging desperately not simply to a positive but grandiose sense of self, they're compelled at all costs to block out any negative feedback about themselves.

This passage above, came to mind while reading @baah s post...

It's interesting, though....

Isn't criticism merely a way eating your own intellectual dog food ?

( ....and according to some of the steem team, that's to be welcomed).

Yet when you are actually asked to eat it, pure bile, vomit, and negativity, come back your way.
....Quite interesting.

I'm over the drama here. It's become boring.

All has been said.

I'm getting on with my own stuff, writing away, and have left the steem trainwreck drama 'thing', well behind.
I know you.

It was kinda fun, in a tragic way.
Over it.

So look at my silence about this place, as a victory for yourselves, steem team.
That will make you feel much better, and put you back into your superior mindset.

Secure, once more.

It's all about mindset, isn't it?


I'm with you, bro. What wasted potential this place has become...breathtaking.

I always hated a good joke right after a bong hit:P

It's all about mindset, isn't it?

Yeah, you call slanderous incessant trolling and accusatory bullshit "critique" and you think that little ol me ridiculing your incessant trolling is saying something about steemit, that somehow, someone who doesn't put up with your incessant slanderous attacks directed to the development of the place you seemingly cannot help yourself from shitting on, is actually part of Steemit, targeting poor you, out of 10000 users, because you can call it an attack to defend from and ridicule your defamatory, disparaging and despicable attacks, it's all about mindset when you consistently show up in a place you think so little of, among people who you don't have much if any regard for.

"I call uncle, steemit, you win, just stop attacking me" and "I detest this place so much and the people who run it even more that I cannot stop coming here and hurtling insults at the people working to run it" and finally "one person's insult is another's criticism, it's all about the mindset, if you truly don't like something, don't let that stop you from trying to make it as shitty for everyone else too".


I write a post to tell people I'm not engaging in the steem conversation any longer and will be writing my own stuff.....

...........Aaaaaaaaaaand then steem team andrarchy blaah, who ever the hell is on the keyboard at the time - then continues the conversation and responds accordingly.

I known rocks with higher IQ's....

Although narcissists don't, or won't, show it, all perceived criticism feels gravely threatening to them—the reason that their inflamed, over-the-top reactions to it can leave us so surprised and confused. Deep down, clinging desperately not simply to a positive but grandiose sense of self, they're compelled at all costs to block out any negative feedback about themselves.

I write a post to tell people I'm not engaging in the steem conversation any longer and will be writing my own stuff.....
...........Aaaaaaaaaaand then steem team andrarchy blaah, who ever the hell is on the keyboard at the time - then continues the conversation and responds accordingly to a conversation that I said I would not engage in any longer and I can't seem to stop myself from entering back into the same conversation I said I'd leave"

that I said I would not engage in any longer and I can't seem to stop myself from entering back into the same conversation I said I'd leave"

If you think people (and investors)are stupid, what does that make you?

you're hilarious in your stupidity. ..... brilliant sir.

Fancy some dog food? I'll pay...lolol)

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