Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/09/18> When the light bulb finally goes on… and it’s too late.

in #blog6 years ago

We have all seen the cartoons, well those of us who are old enough to remember what cartoons are, where the person is in the middle of doing something and the next panel of the cartoon has the three little circles that look like smoke signals that leads up to the cloud above their head. Right, you’re with me so far? Good. In the cloud is a light bulb and it has the little lines emanating from it to depict the light bulb is lit up. You know exactly what I’m talking about; the light bulb represents that an idea has been sparked in the person’s mind.

Well, if you can, picture me in that exact scenario Tuesday afternoon as I was driving across Interstate 10 heading west to one of my favorite cities, San Antonio. I had just past one of those real nice rest stops I have featured in one of my daily dose columns earlier and the light bulb came on in my mind about artificial intelligence, A.I., one of the things everybody who is involved with computing is so excited about.

Now, as most of you know, I’m not involved in computer hardware development so I didn’t come up with an idea for some miniature circuit or chip that would speed up the development of A.I. I also am not a programmer so I didn’t have a brain storm idea that would rewrite or improve any of the algorithms that are involved in making A.I. work. My mathematical skills are pretty much confined to the basic functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages and a little geometry to boot. So an algorithm is way beyond my current capabilities.

None the less, that light bulb had gone on, and I had figured something out when it comes to A.I., my idea won’t explain A.I. , it won’t improve A.I., it won’t speed up the implementation of A.I. but it will tell us why people are so excited about it and why the young millennial and gen Xer’s can’t wait for it to take over. As a member of the baby boomer generation I am kind of saddened that I actually figured it out, because while most people would look at A.I. as some kind of great achievement I have come to the realization that it is the culmination of our failures.

We need look no further than the name itself for the clues, because it is right there that pretty much tells the whole story, the two words, “artificial” and “intelligence”. Those two words shouldn’t probably ever be used in the same sentence let alone the same name, yet as a society we are as excited as can be at the prospects of what we think it is and what it can do.

This is usually the point in my stories where I will go to the trusted Merriam Webster dictionary and pull up the definition of the word and give it to you to help make my point. Not this time though, and I also have determined that I can no longer use the adjective “trusted” when referring to the Merriam Webster dictionary. I pretty sure that the three founders, George Merriam, Charles Edward Merriam, and Charles Merriam would not be pleased that sultnpapper has decided to abandon the use of the dictionary that they founded. The reason is they keep changing the definitions of words, and it is not just the M W dictionary, but all dictionaries, are changing the definitions. It is almost like these people who print the dictionaries have gotten together in some type of conspiracy to dumb down the public.

If it wasn’t like there were not enough conspiracies as it is and I have to uncover what might be the second biggest conspiracy of all time, the first being the dumbing down of the people in the United States through the public education system. Let me not digress any further.

And okay, I will share the definition begrudgingly, just to make my point.

A R T I F I C I A L, as defined by the M W dictionary : 1) humanly contrived often on a natural model 2. A) having existence in legal, economic, or political theory 2.B) caused or produced by a human and especially social or political agency 3.A) lacking in natural or spontaneous quality 3.B) Imitation , Sham 4.) based on differential morphological characters not necessarily indicative of natural relationships 5.) " deemed obsolete" / ARTFUL , CUNNING

So, what the M W dictionary has done it has softened the harshness and reality of the word “artificial” by using the words “humanly” and “natural model” and letting us know it has “existence” like it belongs, like it should be there and that it is produced by us good old humans. So, while the reality of the definition is hidden way down at “3.B) Imitation, Sham”, most people never get that far when looking up definitions.

Let’s move on to synonyms of “ARTIFICIAL” those would be words like; affected, assumed, bogus, contrived, fake and false. Now, I think you got the better picture by looking at the synonyms, especially the last two; FAKE and FALSE.

I find it kind of ironic that the # 5.) definition is “obsolete” because it is actually a true representation of how we have been lead down the road to accept all the artificial crap we have in our everyday lives now, you can’t tell me that these people selling us all this “artificial “ stuff weren’t “ARTFUL and CUNNING.”

Whatever happened to people wanting real and natural products? It has become so bad now that even the food we eat is artificial, repeat after me, G M O , G M O. Just how did all this artificial stuff come to be in the first place?

The first know time that an artificial product came about was way back in 1851 in France. Perfume manufacturers used artificial fragrances instead of natural fragrances in the perfumes and they took those to London, England and displayed and sampled them at the Crystal Palace exhibition. That started humanities trek down the yellow brick road of fake crap that has ultimately lead us to where we are today, where we are begging for the day when computers can make all the decisions for us. It will be where we won’t have to use our brains at all, oh wait, we’ve already been there and done that.

I would go look up the word “intelligence” and give you that definition but there is a pretty good chance that it doesn’t mean today what it meant years ago and I would hate to ruin my evening any more than I all ready have. I’m just going to hope that it means to you, what it means to me; having acquired knowledge. A computer can’t acquire knowledge; at best it can be programmed with data and algorithms.

A lot happened between 1851 and today but I lay the blame of where we are now squarely on the shoulders of my own generation since the computer really come about on our watch. We really have no one else to blame on how the generations that came after us think and act because it was up to us to keep “it real” and we failed. We were too quick to let television and electronic devices raise the children, we allowed everything around them to be artificial or fake, even their reality.

We got use to hearing and seeing the word “artificial” everywhere we turned; hair color, fabrics, food flavorings, finger nails, hearts, legs, teeth and arms, you name and you can find it in an artificial equivalent to the natural form, except intelligence, and now they want us to believe that exists artificially.

It isn’t intelligence people; its formulas and algorithms and those same formulas and algorithms will be programmed into the robots that will be taking care of us when we are too old to take care of ourselves, that is, if our kids decide we are worth writing those for us, maybe if we had only spent a little more time being real and demanding real…..

Until next time,



I think we should be considering the word intelligence, not the word artificial. After all, at least it is intelligence. When you consider that I am technically a genius and I would guess you are too, and yet we are neither of us particularly bright compared to the likes of @enchantedspirit or Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton. That does mean, though, that most of the passengers on spaceship Earth are lacking in the intelligence department. Even compared to us dullards. So maybe we should be grateful for whatever intelligence we can get.

On the whole, though, I am anti-artificial. Artificial cream, for instance, is crap after less than four hours. And speaking of crap, what's with shampoo? Is there any reason we can't have the real thing?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a genius, maybe you, but not me. I just have a pretty good amount of common sense, which now a days isn't common anymore. I do believe that intelligence is on the decline over all, and that might be directly tied to the fact that so much information is readily available no one even bothers to look at anymore, just play games, eat, sleep, and play more games on the computer and internet.
The reason we can't have anything real is because we have already let the businesses know we'll accept artificial, if we quit accepting fake we might get some real.

Do you know what a slipstick is? Could you use one? Have you ever used a programmable calculator? I'd guess yes, maybe and no. Virtually everyone our age was exposed to slide rules, and if we had any number crunching to do much beyond 1 + 1 we would use one if we could. The reason I think no to the calculator is that your tech level is lower than mine. Not a matter of intelligence but a matter of passion. From the first alarm clock I dismantled and rebuilt (perfectly.) Mechanics, electronics, carpentry, plumbing, anything that is a tool or requires a tool intrigues me and I have to be as good at it as I can be.

Maybe that explains my bias.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Of course I know what lipstick is and yes I have used it when I was a rodeo clown fighting bulls, I liked the deep red color mostly, I just never looked good in the lighter reds and pinks.
And as far as your guesses go, slide rule yes, scientific calculator yes, and I am very mechanically inclined as well. And those "yes" answers mean I know what they are and have used them, along with calipers, micrometers, valve grinding machine and an airflow bench that I use to check the air flow thru carburetors and cylinder heads when I was building racing engines 30 years ago. So I am a "little" mechanically inclined.
But your guess on your bias, I have no clue.

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Haha, I guess really we're looking to create Intelligence then. Just on a computer level.

all dictionaries, are changing the definitions.

English is a living language and changes over time. 'Humbug 'is no longer considered profanity/obscenity. Etc. I would say that over the course of a decade or so a word could change meanings. https://www.urbandictionary.com/ is the most accurate dictionary.

We were too quick to let television and electronic devices raise the children

Yesss, totally agree. While as a child I probably would have missed my electronics a great bit had I not had them, I'd probably be miles ahead of myself had I limited access. Most of my computer time paid off through learning, but TV was a waste and games were a waste.

I agree that English is a living language and new words are created when new technologies come about, conversely other words die off and become obsolete as the older other technologies end up dead and fade to dust. I'm just not into transgendering existing words, words have "feelings" too. Who are we to say that "bad" is now "good", what if bad really wanted to stay as bad? We should just let words live out their lives and then die off when it is their time.
If we are smart enough to create artificial intelligence we ought to be able to leave existing words meanings alone and just create some new ones if we really need one.
Just my opinion though. Maybe it is just the old man in me coming out.

Bad does mean good these days.

Yes, I was aware of that, thus the mention.

2👍👍...great points...makes it all worth it to follow and read your posts.
The is no Artificial crap in you... I treasure that!

Thanks D. C. , seldom I get a 2 thumbs up approval from anyone, I'm honored.

I am glad the bulb lit up and like you, my thoughts are quite the same on AI.

Yes, I might only be a 15 watt bulb, that doesn't give off much light, but at least it came on. Thanks for dropping by and letting us know that you share the shame thoughts.

I know I still haven't replied to yesterday's post. I read it very early in the morning, like this, and decided that it deserved (and still deserves) a profound answer. So I hung it on the hook and my day blew up. I'll get there sometime today.

About 30 years ago I was on a mission for knowledge. I did a multi year examination of a topic that was really important to me. My mentor on the project said "You need to go buy a dictionary from the '30s. We baby boomers have f'ed up the language and the meanings have changed". I found a 1939 Funk and Wagnalis Library Grade dictionary, and sure enough he was right. Some fundamental terms that I KNEW were changed at a very basic level. In the last 30 years it has rolled over again.

You are correct, that artificial intelligence is a contradiction in terms. Better would be 'substitute for intelligence' but that probably isn't going to sell much. Where is it going to go? I'm thinking it's probably a good thing that I won't be here to see it all unfold. Not that I think it is necessarily bad, but it would damn sure be unsettling.

Thanks for a great post. Put me in the category of second panel with question mark above my head.

I thought that you might be out spending your day looking at buying spaghetti pots when I did not see any response. By the way, hold off on those, some guy named @tomfreeman may have us going in a different direction Deacon. He is already working in that realm and I'm thinking I might just refer all the religious stuff his way. I looked at his work and it is really good.
But don't despair, I mentioned you being the Deacon and he said there is room for you over there as well.

I admit dictionaries have to change since new technology brings new words, but I have and take issue with, changing the meanings of existing words. It is nothing more than theft and deception, meant to create confusion with those of us who know the real meanings from 50 years ago or more.
I got you in panel 2 , @bigtom13 = ? done.

It may not hold much merit, because I am a bit older, but I am completely with Elon Musk when it comes to AI. I don't see any good coming from the future pursuit of AI. I know I probably sound like a crazy old guy that is afraid of change, but as you said, we have already been dumbed down enough. There are still some things that we need to be responsible for ourselves. Likewise, with so many things being controlled by computers and networked these days the far-reaching implications are concerning to say the least. Great post!

Honestly, I don't know what Elon Musk position is when it comes to A.I. and it would have no effect on me if he were for it or against it. As I have gotten older I've learned to embrace what I see as "positive" change, not just change for the sake of change or because we have the capability to make a change.
There isn't a need for his SpaceX toy rockets in my opinion either, we don't need to be trying to get off the earth and find another planet to conquer, we haven't finished screwing up this one totally, yet. We should leave those alone and let some other life form have them.
We should be concentrating on getting back to where we should be as caring thinking people, that are at peace with one another. A. I. won't bring that about and neither will going to Mars or the Moon.But that is probably just the old man in me coming out as well.
Thanks for dropping in and the compliment, glad you liked it.

I like your way of thinking. I have nothing against robots. Robots can do some of the work that we don't want to do. We can train them to be our servants. We control them. But artificial intelligence is when robots start to control us. The insertion of a microchip into your body could allow artificial intelligence to control you. The clue is in the description, and your example of the Merriam-Webster dictionary suggests that we are being programmed to embrace this type of development.
I think we are being conditioned not just to embrace it, but to respect it as something potentially superior to ourselves. Which it isn't, as it's all been designed and programmed by humans – what could possibly go wrong?

I can't disagree with anything you said here, thanks for telling everyone about the microchips, now I'll have to find something else for the next daily dose since that was going to be my next thunder clap.
Oh, in answer to your question, EVERYTHING, but you already knew that, otherwise you would have never asked it. Great minds communicate telepathically. No wait, I think it is "think alike" or maybe both.

No - please do write about microchips, as it's such an important subject and many people don't realise the potential dangers! I once listened to a radio interview with a cheery university professor who had actually allowed a chip to be put in his arm, just for research purposes. I sent him a polite email, asking if it had occurred to him that his arm could now be hacked, and he sent me a friendly email back saying that I'd made an important point, and it had never even occurred to him. So keep spreading the word!

His arm needs to hacked, right off along with his head, because obviously he isn't using that either. The sad part is that guys like that are teaching these young folks, and the young folks won't listen to the parents because parents don't know anything, but professors are "all knowing" in the mush minds of college kids.

I was just teasing about writing the next one on micro chips, I seldom decide what I am going to write about until I sit down at the end of the day and start typing, even then it may take a couple sentences being typed until I know where I'm headed.
Rest assured it hadn't crossed my mind, yet.

Good - I'd hate to steal your thunder, and we should all be writing about this, to wake people like that professor up! I'm guessing you're not impressed by his attitude... ;)
I think most academics have a special smart brain for their chosen subject and a mush brain for other things. That's where the "mad professor" stereotype comes from.

Yes, I agree . Thanks.

AI should scare us all. A computer is only as good as the programmers. If the original programmer makes an error (he/she is human after all) then that program, with the fault goes on to build other AIs...if you catch my drift. When did humanity become so lazy that we now don't think for ourselves?

Yep, garbage in , is garbage out. We could all end up trash in the future.

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