Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/02/18> What I have noticed lately… and who I have noticed for SBI

in #blog6 years ago

This daily dose is dedicated to the little things that almost go unnoticed. One of those little things inspired this topic today and it was two very simple words written by @thekittygirl when she replied back to me, “Thank you.”

We all have the ability to use those two words but I see less and less of that phrase being used as I have gotten older. “Yes, ‘mam” and “Yes, sir” have also seem to have fallen in their usage also. In Texas, and most of what are known as the southern states here in the USA, “yes ‘mam” and “yes sir” were usually the next words you learned right after mamma and papa. It was not long after you had those mastered you learned “thank you” and “you’re welcome” and at that point you could probably get along real well in life if you never learned another word.

Another thing I have noticed is the lack of the word “please” as in “please pass the tea” or “please watch what you are saying”. Now that last one, “please watch what you are saying” might be good advice for myself because I might just tick some folks off by bringing up what is known as common courtesy.

Common courtesy is one of the little things that almost goes unnoticed because common courtesy is no longer common as best as I can tell. Someone needs to alert the government and get it placed on the endangered species list. I haven’t been in a public school in a few years but what I do remember from when our oldest boy was attending that there seemed to be a lack of respect for the teachers and administrators by the students. I would be willing to bet that more “F’ you” ‘s can be heard in most junior high and high schools on a daily basis than “thank you” ‘s. That might also be true of elementary schools as well, but I would hope not. Do we no longer teach respect and common courtesy in the public schools? My guess is probably not, I just don’t see those as being part of the state required academic achievement tests because if they were we would be seeing more common courtesies not less.

@arbitrarykitten brought up a good point in a comment she made to me this week about the current state of affairs. She too was reflecting back on the recent past and the present and had come to the conclusion that the country seems to have become “more sensitive” and PC (politically correct) as she put it, to the point that people are now terrified of saying the wrong thing. I have to agree with her on her assessment of where we are today but we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Had we been teaching common courtesy and respect there would be no need for this PC bullshit that we have been saddled with by the PC crowd. The truth is that we have lost the war of words to the PC crowd because we have as a collective became silent on our right to freedom of speech along with thought and expression. Since when do I have the power to tell you what to say or think? I don’t, and neither does the PC folks, so be free like we are meant to be and say what is on your mind. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will damn sure defend your right to say it. My only request would be that you throw in a “please” and “thank you” somewhere along the line. It’s only a request; I’m not telling you it is a requirement.

This week I have selected @arbitrarykitten , @thekittygirl and @klynickitty as my choices for a share in the steembasicincome program. Actually it is @klynic , I just had the cat thing going and couldn’t help myself, sorry brother. I will mention that @klynic was selected because he consistently uses all the common courtesies you would expect a person to use here in the USA when we converse in discord and via direct messages. I might also add that he is not a product of the American public education system as far as I know since he was born, raised and resides in another country. He can correct me if I’m wrong on that, but I’m pretty sure I’m correct.

Until next time,



Full disclosure : I do receive a benefit if you sign up for either program using these referral links provided here.


I think common courtesy (probably up there with common sense in its commonality ;)) and politeness should be fairly standard. Outside of that, people can pretty much say (and do) as they like! :)

I totally agree with you, except that I view "Political Correctness" as a mere extension of "Common Courtesy" — saying "African-American" instead of the "n*****"-word, saying "Developmentally Disabled" instead of calling someone a "retard," etc. Political Correctness is nothing more than extending common courtesy to everyone, as a "civilized" society should be. And definitely, the "Please" and "Thank you" and "Yes, Sir" and "Yes, Ma'am" are woefully missing from the speech of most people today. It is sad.

Since we agree on most everything that I wrote in this daily dose I will extend some common courtesy and say "Thank you" for weighing in and for also prompting this edition. I am going to address one thing you brought up though.
I have expressed my views on hyphenated "Americans " in the past , there is no need to hyphenate in my view. In my eyes either you are an American or not, most "African Americans" have never set foot in Africa. It may very well be that they have ancestors that originated from there and there is nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry. But true correctness would be to say, "I am an American of African descent."
If a person is actually a citizen of both countries, just say "I have have dual citizenship in the countries of the United States of America and ... (fill in the blank).
I take issue with people who were born and raised here putting their country of birth as "second fiddle" if you know what I mean.

Ideally, yes, we are all Americans and there should NEVER be a reason to involve someone's race in a conversation unless we're describing someone to the police. Otherwise:"I met a woman at the store today..." should be sufficient, without mentioning skin color. Those who do otherwise are likely racists and impolite, discourteous people, and are the very ones who are keeping the Political Correctness meter alive.

And THANK YOU for your thoughtful response! B_grin.gif

Yes, I think we can just leave it right there, I have said it before and I know you read it when I did, people need to understand we have one race here right now, the human race. So any mention of somebody being "racist" had better be bad mouthing space aliens or something.
if people want to go the color route, then find a new term like "colorist" , we have misused the term "racist" long enough in my opinion.
I've enjoyed our back and forth, but time to unsaddle this horse and put it too bed.
You are most welcome too, by the way/



Truth is, people even get offended sometimes when you actually try to show some respect while addressing them. Many times you stop and ask yourself why you bother? For me, I choose to see it as some sort of training for my person.

Usually when addressing a female, no matter her age, I usually would refer to them as "ma'am", but here is the funny thing, some get quite offended, others just don't understand why I choose to do things the old way, and I ask myself

What is the world becoming today

It is easier for me to show genuine respect to people because it's a value I have cultivated over the years, and it has taught me to value people and having them in turn give me the respect I deserve.


Thank you, for remembering the little things.

You are most welcome @klynic , you are on the right track from the best I can tell. Not sure what that #bringourmoralsback has to offer but it is about time we do exactly that.
Thanks friend.

Indeed where did the words thank you dissapear to I wonder, we were always brought up to be respectful and kind to other people, and regarding political correctness, well all I can say is when that was brought into place the world just started to go crazy from then on, and how alarming that its a world wide thing and not a country wide thing also.

Makes you scratch your head and wonder sometimes just how exactly we get to where we are now, for being the so called most advanced species to have occupied the earth we sure do seem pretty screwed up about things.

I am coming up on my one year anniversary so I wanted to host a contest to give back to my community. I was thinking back on the one I created that was an ever-going story and particularly loved by the players, and my man and I were brainstorming ways to make it fresh and different.

I caught myself replying to a couple of his ideas with "no, that would trigger this subsection. No, that would be a trigger for that subsection."

Now, I am spending my money and time currency to host a contest. It's supposed to be fun and educational and funny and entertaining. But here I am stopping suddenly to immerse fully into the automatic thoughts I was having regarding every scenario we came up with. It is a very sad state of society when you realize you are conditioned to regard "triggers" without conscious thought.

Thank you for nominating me for SteemBasicIncome program! Can you tell me what I must do now?

There is absolutely nothing that you have to do , each time you post to your blog you will receive an up vote from steembasicincome . The size of the vote depends on how many shares you have in the program.
A person cannot go "purchase" shares for themselves. But, if a person sponsors another person into the program both the sponsored and the person doing the sponsoring each receive a share in the program.
So when I sponsored you , I received a share and so did you. The more shares you have the larger the up vote you receive. It is like buying stock in a company and receiving a stock dividend, but instead of a quarterly dividend you would receive with stock the dividend is paid each time you post in the form of an upvote. You will notice the upvote as it will come from an account starting with "SBI" and a number, like SBI3 or some other number. The number represents what "voting pool" you are in.
Right now I think I have about 23 or 24 shares in the program, each daily dose I do gets an upvote and I think the last time I looked it was $0.08 or .09, somewhere around there.
It is designed to last in perpetuity or so they say, but I just think it is a nice way to thank people and show some appreciation and it also does benefit me as well. I can't upvote every post all the time, I miss quite a few as I am extremely busy at this time of year, but even if I do miss, the reality is, I did end up putting a little something on the post, even if I never saw it or read it. You can read more about it @steembasicincome , if you like you can also sponsor other folks, it costs $1.00 Steem to sponsor a person.
I have always enjoyed reading and engaging with you and so it was your turn to get sponsored.

Awesome, thanks for the detailed explanation! Sounds like a wonderful program!

And thanks again :) I appreciate you.

You are most welcome.

Basic courtesy is important even the bible says so if my memory does not fail me. Respect your elder. Simple words like 'Please' definitely brings a great impression to anyone who uses it frequently even if we are not a waiter. It really does not cost a single cent to say 'Thank You' to show some appreciation to someone.

You are so very correct, it is not like we have to pay a price for every word we speak or type. Well we might pay a price, but we usually aren't reaching in our pockets to hand over money when we are done speaking.
I don't recognize your name as being a regular visitor to the daily dose so let may say "thank you" for stopping by and engaging with us today.
You are more than welcome to drop in anytime and express your thoughts, this daily dose thing is just like it says, daily.
Thanks again and feel free to look at some prior daily doses if you want to get a better grasp on what to expect in the future here.

I am afraid you are totally correct. Courtesy went via the way of common sense. Perhaps if folks showed more common courtesy and less PC, the world would be in a better place. I just want to say Thank You to you for being so honest and straightforward in your posts. Sometimes folks need to be reminded of things that are important, and you do that well.

Thank You. I'll get THAT out of the way right away since I know I sometimes peter out toward the end of long comments. And it seems they are always long when responding to you.

"Please, Sir. Might I have some more?" Common sense, that is. When did it become OK to say "No problem" when I say thank you? I give a flying f whether or not it's a problem for you, just say "You're Welcome". Maybe they didn't learn how to properly conjunct you are? There is a sign on both ends of a small town north of me that says "Your Now Beyond Hope" bugs me every time I go through. They have been there for at least 15 years.

Gary Vanerchuck wrote a really good (small) book that is in my permanent collection right next to my reading chair entitled "The Thank You Economy". It lays out the bottom line to polite and courteous discourse with customers.

So. At the risk of repeating myself, Thank You for a little common sense on this otherwise nonsensical life.

I so do agree with you, Common Courtesy seems to be far from Common these days, in many ways technology has made great improvements, but I think it has also helped to create a change perhaps more among the younger generations to be very self centered and self entitled

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