Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/11/18> It won’t be long before July 4th…

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I have been so busy lately just trying to keep up with work and “projects” around the home place that I really haven’t had time at the end of the day to sit down and actually share information with ya’ll on things that really need sharing. Here in the United States of America we have a national holiday coming up and so I wanted to give my readers of the Daily Dose something to think about before we get on with “celebrating” that holiday.

Before I get into the “meat and potatoes” of today’s dose though I want you to think, and mean really think, about just how free you believe you really are. I also want you to think about whether or not you have been told the true history regarding our country, and if you haven’t been told the truth, would you be pissed off about it? The old saying is that history repeats itself, right now we have a bunch of elected officials who lie, cheat, and steal from the public every day, are they just repeating history?

I for one know that what we have today for government is not what the founding fathers of this country intended for us to have. All it takes to realize this is to read. I’m not talking about reading current news or current events; I am talking about reading the history of our country, the United States of America. To read the true history of this country the first thing a person would think of reading would be a history book. I can assure you that is the last place you will find the true history. The liars, cheaters and thieves who have run and do run this country doesn’t want you to know the true history and they also control what is written in the history books. The true history is only found in the congressional records and my guess is that you have never seen or read a single one.

Each year the sultnpapper clan goes to the little town not far from us, Tomball, Texas, for the fireworks display on the evening of the 4th of July. We always have parked in a parking lot on Main Street that formerly was Klein Brothers Grocery, now it has been converted into a VA outpatient medical facility. Each year though there is always a group that plays music pretty loud and one song that they seem to play over and over has the verse in it that goes something like, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.” I can’t remember the red neck artist that sings the song at the moment and I’m not going to look it up. The key point is the use of the word “American”, if you are born and raised here one would think you are an American, right? That is what we have always been taught in school, born and raised pure American.

I have to travel a lot in the south part of Texas where border patrol check stations are pretty common. Why is it that when I go through the check point I’m asked if I am a US citizen? Why don't they just ask if I am an American? I know the answer to that question but do you know why? Words have meanings and despite what you have been taught or have been lead to believe over the years there is a difference between being an American and a US citizen. I really don’t care if you think I am crazy, it is that I’m informed about the differences, because I read the history and have learned the difference, the two are not the same.

How many politicians are lawyers in the US government? My guess is that well more than half of the people elected to government in Washington are current or former lawyers and we all know that former president Bill Clinton was a lawyer and a liar. Just to prove my point about words having certain meanings, take old Bill Clinton for example, if you are old enough to remember, he argued about the definition of the word “is” when he was being impeached over the Monica Lewinski thing where she was giving him blow jobs in the oval office when she was a young intern at the Whitehouse when he was president.
Now that I mentioned that, I wonder what the current history books have to say about that time period. Also, how does that make you feel as the song says, “I’m proud to be an American”? , can’t say that his actions made me proud in the least. I’m starting to run off the rails here so let me gather it back in. I think you know where I’m coming from though, when it comes to the people in Washington.

All right, dinner is served, meat and potatoes time.

Here is a date in history that you have probably never heard about, February 21, 1871. I would like you to read the legislative act that changed the United States of America into a federal corporation know as United States Inc. , You can find this information by looking up the congressional records for the 41st congress, session 3, chapter 62, page 419. The civil war lead to some major problems in the governance of the country and congress was basically suspended when the southern states pulled out and the civil war commenced. The folks who were elected and running the country concocted the plan to start a new government to replace the original one and locate it in Washington, D.C. and that is what the 41st congress did on February 21, 1871.

The original organic constitution of the United States of America was very specific about who could be elected to hold office, lawyers and any other persons holding a “title of nobility” were barred from holding public office, it was the 13th amendment to the original constitution. Very few people know this as it also is not taught in history classes.

When the United States Inc. came about some very subtle but important changes were made, the District of Columbia was created and it would become the headquarters for the corporation known as United States. It also changed the 13th amendment that so many people give credit to as abolishing slavery, it did nothing of the sort if you really read it. What it did do was create a whole new class of slaves that would become known as “citizens.” The reason all government forms always ask if you are a “US citizen” is because they need your consent to govern you and enforce their laws.

By acknowledging that you are a citizen of the corporation known as United States you agree to the terms and conditions of how their corporate government works. You aren’t born a US citizen; you have to choose to be one. Most people when they are born here have a birth certificate created, the application for the birth certificate has to be made before the baby leaves the hospital, that is the first part of being tricked into being a US citizen and probably 99.999% of parents have no idea about this. From then on the child is told he or she is a US citizen.

Children cannot enter into contracts, least of which is a hidden contract, so after 18 years of being told you are citizen when someone asks you the immediate response is “yes” or you check the box that says “yes”. At that point you are an adult and so now as an adult you have acknowledged that you are aware and agree to the contract. For all intent and purpose the constitution now is nothing more than an employment contract. The court system is nothing more than an arbitration board to hear disputes between US employees and the employer, the government. Also the courts hear disputes just between employee and employee when people file suit against each other.

Being born on the soil of one of the fifty states that form the United States of America does not make you a US citizen, it makes you an American. The 13th amendment was changed to eliminate the barring of lawyers because in order to carry out the deception; there is no class of people better than lawyers who can write things in ways that normal people cannot decipher. Words mean things, and by being able to manipulate the wording it makes the deception much easier.

The original “law of the land” was a form of law known as “common law” because it didn’t take a lawyer to be able to figure it out; the common man was more than capable of understanding the law. We always hear that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those are rights given us by our Creator. I, and you, should be free to do what we like as long as we don’t injure or harm another person. That is common law in its purest form. Injury and harm doesn’t only mean physical, it can also be in the financial form so you can’t think that robbing a store or stealing someone else’s property is okay just because no one was physically injured, it doesn’t work like that. Common law is the basic human understanding of right and wrong as society deems right and wrong. That is why common law court cases were always tried before a jury, members of the local society deciding if there was a wrong committed. A judge in a common law court was there mainly as a person to direct the parties as to the process, the judges were never involved in deciding the case as it is now in some courts.

Common law has been set aside just like the original constitution and form of government that the United States of America was founded with, now we have codes and statutes that take the place of law; and those codes and statutes are enforced under what is known as “color of law”, if you are not familiar with that term look it up. You might also want to look up the definitions of “legal” and “lawful” because while you might think they are the same thing they are not. The deception is everywhere but most people don’t realize it because we were never taught to look for it and we were never taught the truth.

So, when I pass through the border patrol check points I chose my words carefully when I respond to the question about being a US citizen. I have seen plenty of videos where people refuse to answer the question; claim the stopping is “illegal” and such. The thing is, the people asking the questions don’t know the truth either and the government is paying their salary so you are in a tough spot if you want to get through there without getting beaten up, shot or searched for illegal contraband. I had done the thing a couple times where I just nod my head as if to say “yes” and had gotten through but one time one of the border patrol agents wanted to be a prick and make it where I had to say “yes” so I asked him to please explain what constitutes being a “US citizen”, he fumbled around for a few moments trying to figure out how he was going to answer my question and then said. “If you were born in the USA then you’re a US citizen”, well I’m a Texan, so I just told him that and I was on my way. Ever since then my standard answer is “Texan” and I have yet to be bothered again.

I am a fan of freedom, I never have truly experienced it though, and neither has anyone else living under the corporate rule of the United States Inc. So this 4th of July give some thought to what true freedom would or could be like, it only lasted less than 100 years in this country and that is a shame.
Until next time,



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Yeah. Just yeah. I ran afoul of the corporation once (or maybe more) as a young man. Not that I knew it at the time, but I had done a thing that was between American and US Citizen. Oooopppss. Made my life pretty miserable for a time. Since then I have found out and studied up and stayed in the clear. Which is not the same as blind acquiescence.

I'm going to forward this to a friend of mine that probably ought to be a mutual friend. And not say much more here except Thanks. I appreciate this more than I can say.

There comes a point when you just have to speak up when you see there is a problem and I reached that point a few years ago. The vast majority of the people here in the USA don't have a clue at what has taken place and is still going on today. Also that same vast majority may not see it as a problem, but when a person has to fear their own government in a "free country" then there really is a problem and keeping a person's head stuck in the sand isn't going to make the problem go away.
We have plenty of written history in the congressional records that proves we have been lied too, cheated and stolen from as a people and it just needs to be exposed.
If this just opens the eyes of one person it will be worth the effort.
Sorry that you ran afoul of the bosses, I hope you didn't have to spend any time for it in lock up.
The prison system is whole another can of worms, but they figured out a way to line their pockets using it and they keep making new "laws" to insure they will have plenty of "customers" spending time in the corporate storage facility.

You are right, @sultnpapper. I don't think it matters what country we live in we are all corporate slaves to the government. We really have no freedoms unless it suits them to let us have some. It would behove us to all take a closer look at what exactly we have signed up for. It might just open a few eyes. You might even be a little low on the estimate of the number of lawyers, acting, retired, just non-practising or otherwise, holding a government office.

The thing is most people don't know that they have signed up for it. The parents signed them up when they were born and had no clue that was what was happening, and then when the kid becomes an adult they have no clue and continue to be "citizens" not realizing just what all that entails.
I'm pretty sure that my guesstimation (new word) is low, but even it is, the original constitution made it where zero were allowed, and so any number above zero is too many in my book.
When you need a lawyer to explain the laws to you that you are suppose to be following, that right there is proof the system is guzbucked.
Guzbucked is a word I created a few months ago for fucked up when I wrote a contest piece for a Hardfork contest about life in 2029.
I'm kind of a roll with new words, I might have to look into starting my own language, I might call it Papperish.
I could write my Daily Dose in English and Papperish, now there is an idea.

I like that idea! English and Papperish. Would that make it Engappersh? Sort of like Sperman, Spanglish and a whole host of other combined languages...

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