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RE: Busy Math (Something's Very Wrong)

in #busy6 years ago

Busy is young, and busy is going to make mistakes, and this one as far as it goes is rather benign, so worth a smile.

I'm going to try to not be too critical of Steemit or Busy, but at some point, it would be nice to just not have glitches. I hope that's not asking a whole lot. It would just make me feel like the sites are secure. That's all.


Oh, I'm not all upset about it. Not that big a deal. I just thought it was funny that they put something so crazy up there. I don't even know what math that used to get there. It doesn't make sense. They probably did $25/ $1.35 (or something close) and then made it negative to show the loss, as in a negative gain from where we are to where we were.

Yes, when I see grammar errors and glitches on websites, it makes me worry that my info isn't safe. If they haven't checked spelling, or checked that their site works correctly, how do I know that they did their due diligence on security?

U donut. Witch iz eggsacly meye 👉. :)

I wasn't thinking you were upset. I was trying not to be. At least not over that. Just the cumulative effect of everything. I don't know. I've only been here a little over five months and I suppose that's not enough time to have very many expectations yet, but man, it would be nice to quit calling all of these places beta sites and just get on with it. :)

I wasn't thinking you were upset. I was trying not to be. At least not over that. Just the cumulative effect of everything. I don't know. I've only been here a little over five months and I suppose that's not enough time to have very many expectations yet, but man, it would be nice to quit calling all of these places beta sites and just get on with it.

I know what you mean. One little thing might not be an issue, but when you add all of them together, it gets discouraging. I don't understand why they don't work a little harder to make the user experience better now so that the early adopters stick around and help make it a great place for the future adopters. Once people get burned, they don't often go back. I don't see the people who have already left coming back when Steemit emails them to say that SMTs are here and that all the problems are fixed. Steemit has sort of a Zuckerberg approach to customers which is "F them, they're stupid." It's a paraphrase. The real version is below. I edited for language.


re: zuckerberg

Okay, so that's not so scary or anything.

re: cumulative effect

I think part of what I'm feeling is a conversation that got started on the introduction of, yet another steemit-like front end. It was in steemhunt format—which I'm kind of getting tired of seeing, too, but that's a different story—and it's supposed to have all of these features coming, but they're already announcing it and wanting people to come over now before it's done, I guess.

Well, instead of me thinking, oh, they want beta testers, or something like that, I go over there with the mindset that it's ready for primetime. Because that's how it was presented.

Well, the thing took longer to load than Steemit on a bad day. So, I went back to the post and saw a comment from a guy who said the site loaded slower than Steemit and I concurred with his assessment.

Then some other guy said that the site was now faster, which was fine, but then proceeded to tell me I should at least consider that the project has only been around for a month. It was a very nice and polite way of telling me that I shouldn't be complaining, or in this case, agreeing with the other guy. I did go and say some other things like if it was slower and more bare in features than Steemit why bother or something like that. It was kind of harsh, probably, but it's like, can't anyone make functioning websites? I mean, this used to make or break websites. Is that no longer the case?

I still haven't replied. I might, if I can come up with something civil to say. I'm the user. I don't think I need to consider anything. I think the people putting things out in a month from concept to delivery should consider that it's not ready for public use, or they should consider they're going to get some feedback that they might not like.

I hadn't heard of that and if I had tried it and found it to be so terrible, I probably would not go back to it. I don't believe in the Microsoft approach which is to crank out the products, and then just patch them later. I think a product should be at least 95% functional before they put it out. And that's still on the low end. Things should just work. If you're going to recruit people to use your product, make it easy for them. It's supposed to solve problems for them, not make more. The whole point is that you're trying to convert them from something else. You can't do that by just saying that you're something different and people should use it even though it's worse than what you're trying to replace. Come on!

I don't understand why people can't just wait another day, or week, or month and take the time to get a working product. Make it nice so that people will actually be able to use it correctly and have it make their lives easier. I wish I couldn't believe (but I really should expect) that people will do stuff like your steempeak example. It's not a great way to do business if you ask me. And even if you don't ask me, I still think it's not a great way to do business. ;)

Yep. Same page, man. I understand beta testing, that's great. and it's probably not the steempeak people's fault that it's being steemhunted, but since most of those are just parroting what the website or the box is saying, I don't know how much blame I should put on him, either. It just wasn't the best of things, and I probably should have waited. I have gone back, though and it is remarkably faster and there are some features which are kind of cool which exist now. But I probably won't go back to it for a couple more weeks until the rest of the features roll out. Like right now, it defaults to the trending page even if you are signed in, and then you have to go looking around for your own feed. I don't know, things like that.

I'm actually waiting to see how sugarsteem turns out. Hopefully it will hit its goal dates and have a working prototype up and running before summer is over.

I hadn't heard of sugarsteem either. There are apparently a lot of projects out there that are making headway toward creating a better user experience.

I tried out Steempeak and wasn't impressed. Maybe it was because you said it was slow, but even after reading their article on Steemit that their site was running faster, it still seemed slow.

I went through and outlined a few things that I think they could do better. We'll see what their response is. I don't really care as Busy seems to be doing the job for me, but if they really want to make a go of it and make it nice, I'd consider using it.

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