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RE: Things We Could Learn From the Voice Marketing Team.

in #busy5 years ago

Seen the Steemit account vote? It can actually control the witnesses and always has been able to without freedom at all. You think they should? Perhaps go back to 2016 when they did take the top20 and then do what EOS does?

The argument remains the same though, the current economic model doesn't satisfy investors on Steem, while it does on EOS as it was set up to. Steem needs more than marketing in my opinion and it is happening in a way that many will benefit, including people who never invested a dime. Later with SMT applications, more will benefit. Well, if things change so there is incentive to stay an investor and pin the blockchain.


do you know who votes on EOS? We look worse or as bad on paper.

I hope that plan works well for you guys. I don't see much reason to buy anymore, I used to. I am only holding now.

I don't think anyone wants a currency without a plan and 2500 - 12000 holders depending on what you call a holder. :)

I see our community dying with many leaving, no vision and making panicky untrustworthy decisions. I don't think that improves our position.

Remember the only reason ANY crypto holds value is because enough people agree that it does.

The idea of DPOS was distribution not stakeholder rewards.

Steem may go up in value, but I see no indication we have anyone who knows now to manage a business, grow a site or even spin a vision.

I love Steem, I'm done kidding myself against all evidence.

I hope that plan works well for you guys. I don't see much reason to buy anymore, I used to. I am only holding now.

It is a good thing. Don't invest into what you don't believe in. I will keep buying when I can.

Remember the only reason ANY crypto holds value is because enough people agree that it does.

This is the same for anything of course that can be used as a currency. 2500 odd coins that have some kind of market cap out there, plenty to choose from.

The idea of DPOS was distribution not stakeholder rewards.

Distribution to stakeholders with the potential to earn and buy stake too, not just to content producers.

Steem may go up in value, but I see no indication we have anyone who knows now to manage a business, grow a site or even spin a vision.

Steem doesn't need to manage a business, just like the internet doesn't have to. It is up to the businesses to utilize it and manage themselves. For that, there has to be a strong economic model that incentives businesses, not content producers. The communities will build around the businesses.

They need to manage a roadmap, a vision, business decisions like the ones coming up.

I now crypto people like to think everything is decentralized but those projects that think like that are going to continue to fall behind just as we are.

I love Steem, I love the people here, I'm not rage quitting I talking about what I think we should do. Each time someone instead of listening tries to correct my thinking instead of sharing their own vision. You don't have to accept mine.

They need to manage a roadmap, a vision, business decisions like the ones coming up.

If you mean Steemit Inc, yes, they do. But, they need to manage it in their best interest as a private company, as they will. Yes, that would likely align with many of the interests of other applications and communities too but, not always and not all at one time.

I now crypto people like to think everything is decentralized but those projects that think like that are going to continue to fall behind just as we are.

I don't think any of them are actually overly decentralized yet. At least in these kinds of communities.

Steem doesn't need to manage a business, just like the internet doesn't have to.


Thought I'd capture it before you edited...LMAO...

what's your point?

Alinsky tactics coming into play again? lol

I'm not here for social media BS, just possible business avenues.

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