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Ever since I was born again I have been concerned about the eternal destiny of people I don’t even know. Street preaching, jails, ministry to prostitutes and those bound by addictions. Today I am living my dream! Not a big house, or large bank account. But a time where we have fruitful ministry every day. Souls coming into the kingdom.
In line with you video I believe we are responsible for the souls of our generation.
The best thing in life is to be part of someone receiving eternal life. Imagine someone going into eternal damnation because we did not share our faith.
I always loved Keith Green. He sang a song, “ Jesus commands us to GO, it should be the exception if we stay, no wonder we’re moving so slow, for God’s children refuse to obey, feeling so calm to stay”.
The greatest joy besides having our own sins forgiven, is to lead someone else to Christ!
Great video!


Keith Green.
"The world is sleeping in the dark,
That the church just can't fight,
'cause it's asleep in the light!
How can you be so dead?!
When you've been so well famed
Jesus rose from the grave,
And you!
You can't even get out of bed!"

Ouch. Certainly true far too often.

Keith Green had a way of giving a “one two” punch in a song!

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