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RE: Sky Blue Friday ~ Color Challenge

Mansplaining... I've been guilty more than i like to admit. Maybe we learn it growing up... i really want to knock that shit off for good. Whew. Unlearning all the crap. My new full time job. I wish it paid better! Haha

No wonder i loved skateboarding and surfing and painting and playing guitar and taking photos. They are mostly solo activities. Even if you are with people. There's no need to talk about it while doing it. Hmmm, There's a clue to why i dislike writing so much. Oh boy...


For the record, you've never mansplained to me. :) I don't think men do it to be obnoxious, even if it sometimes comes across that way.

I like the solo activities too. Not surfing, of course. If I had tried that I would have drowned years ago!

Posted using Partiko Android

Whew! I'm glad for that : ) I can be quite the smarty pants know it all. Especially when i really think i know something Haha. I never seem to remember that if nobody asks then they don't care to know.

You only explain things to me when I ask. You're very good. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh god, it's probably only because typing/writing is so hard for me... ; (

You have to give yourself more credit than that...

Posted using Partiko Android

"As you wish"

A little Princess Bride quote there :) :)

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