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RE: The Craving - A Parenthood Story (Comedy Open Mic Round # 31)

Hey, @dollarandsense.

I'm glad you were able to get your cinnamon roll and at least savor it for a few moments.

It's amazing how much young ones can take out of you, and how the simplest of pleasures can be so amazingly sweet.

it's also easy to think that you will never be able to be yourself again, instead of Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! all of the time. I am here to give you encouragement that it does eventually happen. It's just a matter of enjoying every moment now, because they grow up fast.

Probably not telling you anything you don't know. At any rate, congratulations on the cinnamon roll and the curie. Well done. :)


Thank you, truly appreciate the comment. Sometimes my patience is worn down pretty far, but I do always try to remember that there are no guarantees in life and that even best case scenario, he’ll be grown one day and independent. I try and give as much as I can in the meantime.

But yeah, that nonstop call gets exhausting 😅

Thanks again for your comment!

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