Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/13/18> In case you missed the closing gifts… for round 17 comedy open mic.

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Well the entertainment from the Whitehouse just seems to continue on nonstop and this week old President tRump took his show on the road all the way over to Singapore. I got a real kick out of the parting gifts that he gave that little feller Kim. I did think that it was a little rude of tRump to ask Kim if he had a little brother named Sue.

You didn’t hear about the gifts? That is problem with main stream media, instead of just reporting the news and letting the people decide if it is good or bad when it comes to tRump they always try and create the bad. Face it, you are never going to get the truth out of a US politician or a news reporter, if it ever happened you would know it by the lightning strike that would kill them dead in their tracks.

When the summit was ending tRump summoned his parting gifts for Kim, a secret service agent off to the left of where tRump and Kim were standing motioned to three other agents to bring the gifts over to tRump to present them. I just about fell off my chair when I saw the video on RT (Russia Today) television. Here comes three secret service agents, one was carrying a little pot bellied pig that had a pink collar on it and a matching pink leash. The second one had two big handfuls of pop bottle rockets and the third one had a clear quart Mason jar that had two ping pong ball size pink objects floating in a clear liquid.

I thought to myself, “WTF is he doing ?” The look on the little dicktater’s face was priceless as well, he didn’t have a clue. tRump told him that he enjoyed the meeting and, “I want you to have these gifts from myself and the people of the United States as a remembrance of our meeting.”

“Just so you understand the gifts I am going to explain the meaning of them.” said tRump. “That little pot belly pig reminds me of you, Kim. I had the leash and collar done in pink simply because you are a pussy and pussies and pink are synonymies.” As tRump was handed the Mason jar from the secret service agent, he turned to Kim and said, “You see these? You see these? Let me tell you about these.” as he extended the jar to Kim. “Those use to belong to your new pet pig, I had his balls cut off and put in this jar of alcohol so they would keep. If you screw around with the US any more the same thing is going to happen to your balls, except the jar will be on my bookshelf.”

tRump then got the two handfuls of bottle rockets from the last secret service agent, “I also want you to have these, in case you hadn’t heard; I gave you the nickname “Rocketman”, and I kinda like that name, almost as much as I liked the name Lying Ted I gave one of the losers I beat to get elected.” He then extended his hands with the rockets over to Kim, “this is the extent of your rockets from here on out, and if you think I’m kidding just ask your pig if I kid around.”

Thank God for RT Today television, if it had not been for them I would have probably never got to see this, I know that this didn’t make the evening news in the US simply because it was tRump putting the little dicktater in his place. There have been plenty of other presidents that could have done that years ago but for some reason or another they never did, makes me wonder if their balls aren’t in a Mason jar on someone’s bookshelf.

My nominations for entering are @paparodin and @abbak7 , come join us fellas!!!

Until next time,



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When it comes to politics, international or otherwise, you have to laugh or you'd just cry!

True , politics is nothing more than a soap opera for the masses in my opinion.

No way....really? I mean I wouldn’t put anything past tRump (<- this is brilliant! I am adopting this spelling) - but did that REALLY happen?

I really want to believe it did but REALLY? Ok - off to google cause I feel I’m getting punked by the Papper.

Looking forward to you coming to regale us with your wit and wisdom over in the @BuddyUp pond!

~T (fellow Texan)

Every word of it is a true fictional humorous story for the Comedy Open Mic competition round #17. So yes, it really happened just like I have reported here, you can probably go online to rt.com and look under their current events or latest happenings and find it there.

I think you got it now, nice one.

I had a feeling something was cut out of the feed.I watched.

Yes, in order to get the complete story on the tRump a person needs to watch RT Television. No other network or country knows tRump better than Russia according to all of the US intelligence agencies, and they still continue to go out of their way to prove that, the agencies like the CIA, FBI, DOJ .

haha, I wonder if you are writing this on purpose:


Are these facts true, I just laughed so hard this morning

@klynic I must admit, the first tRump was a mistake in typing, when I looked at it and started to correct it, I decided that I liked it spelled like that so I had to change all the others to tRump.
It could be part of my new language I am creating called "Papperish" , it is a combination of English and Texan as spoken by the Papper.
Here is the the definition of "tRump" : the combination of the words "the" and "rump" , with spelling shortened for sustainability.
tRump can and should be used to replace the word "ass" when speaking or writing about the current president in order to more kinder and gentler in kicking him around.

Wow. How did I ever miss this story? I don't watch news on TV, I read mine with a certain discretion, but even Reuters didn't cover that part of the meeting. I'll probably go check Al-Jezera to get it...

Nothing better than a good story like this early in the morning, will give me something to smile about all day.

Reminds me of the time my Dad came home from an Auction with a Holstein bull. He and his buddy had bought the damn thing in partnership, and I would be really surprised if there weren't just a glug or two of whiskey involved in the decision. You see, each of the two owned two milk cows each, not a Holstein among them. But they had figured to improve their herds. The bull went to the partner's place first but after about two weeks came to our place. Let me tell you what, that was the nastiest critter God ever built. We had a pretty good bull pen, but every time anybody walked by that creature would lower his head and ram the fence. Turns out, that's why he'd left the partners. Partner had 4 daughters (and one son) and that bull made him fear for his girls. About 2 weeks into his stay at our place my dad had enough with him and decided he needed to be cut and sold as a canner. It took some doing, but he got him trussed up (another story in itself) and prepped. I expected to be sent to the house to get the scalpel he used for that task, but he just reached in his pocket for his jackknife and proceeded with the job. It was anything but clean and surgical, but I'm guessing that bull learned a lesson. I know my 10 year old self certainly did.

Well, I'm off to read the 'official version' of that event you described. I don't guess it'll be as good.

PS. The partner's daughters? I didn't know it at the time, but they turned out to be gorgeous young women. Another 5 years or so and I would generally speaking be in love with one or two of them on any given day.

Your bull story just reminded me about the time a friend of mine cut his stud horse with his pocket knife.
The man was Mike Bell, he had a bunch of his cattle knock down a barb wire fence and head for the river bottom and he needed help rounding them up so he called a bunch of us to come help him.
The horse that Jesse was riding was a mare that was coming into heat and Mike's stud just could keep his mind off that mare. So Mike said , "I'll fix that SOB, we ended up roping the stud and throwing him on his side, saddle and all, then Mike took his pocket knife out and cut his nuts right there on the spot. We untied his legs and Mike kicked him in the ribs and the now "gelding" got to his feet, Mike climbed back up on the saddle and we went back to rounding up the cattle, that horse ended up working another three hours and never as much as made a peep after having his operation.
The kids used to sing songs about this bone connects to that bone, well I can tell you the nuts connect to the brain in horses for sure, and that was pretty much proved that day.
It seems like the farmers always had the pretty daughters , of course, all we had was farmers around us so...

Nice try... @sultnpapper :)) I appreciate you thinking of me, but I'm so dumb, couldn't do it even if I try... By the way, last nite when I read you post it had no nominations, so I have no idea of you doing that... 😎
I find it very funny that people knowing you write serious stories, they take you seriously on this one too... Great job!

Your meme, guy, just make up meme and enter it in. You could show someone pouring salt and pepper in a toilet and say, this is were old @sultnpapper belongs.

But I don't think that way...

I did have to go back and add the nominees this morning, I keep forgetting that there are rules you have to play by.

Yup, I get that, but you forgot to mention @comedyopenmic too, it's fine with me, but @paparodin I bet he has no idea what u talk about..

Your VP is stuck at 98%...don't wanna hear you cry you wish u could do more... Use it!IMG_20180613_213958.jpg
It's not like you have to squeeze it up ur ass!
This post will be in the blockchain too...

In 7 minutes it will be at 100% and that is just about the time I will post my Daily Dose, and then I will go up vote other posts like I do most every night and when I get done , my VP will be somewhere in the 80's or 70's and take about 24 hours to recharge, so I can do it all over again. I don't see a problem with that, and I don't believe you have heard me crying that I wish I could do more, I do what I can when I can.
My full up vote is worth a whopping for 4 cents but it is what it is, and I vote the way I vote. I don't know what prompted this and I don't much care DC, and everything is in the blockchain here, not just certain posts and comments.

I get it now. My bad Sir! Won't do it again...

No problem DC, I just have always done my voting that way. I do try and upvote peoples comments when I can but when the price of steem is down those votes just end up being dusted away according to what I have read, it takes an amount of 3 cents for it to be counted and paid out at the end of seven days.

You could do it. Your plenty funny. So many join that are not... so I actually have complete faith in you abilities.

My favourite part of my morning is reading your posts, @sultnpapper! Love the balls in a jar...

You have made my day Ms. Ceci, I am glad that I can be a part of your day and that you enjoy them.

Now that is some foreign policy, I could get behind some political tactics like that!!

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