The Power of Commitment

in #commitment6 years ago

The word commitment has such a load of negativity around it. Most of us seem to have a lot of issues around this word. I suppose that is often in the context of romantic relationships. Why are we so afraid of it? What is it about this idea that makes us squeamish?

Mothering is a forever commitment!

When we commit to something, we are simply making a sacred contract with ourselves that we are going to give our all to this thing, whatever it is.

In my mind, this doesn’t mean the allest all that anyone has ever given. It means the best you have in that moment. I also don’t think it necessarily has to mean giving it our all forever. There are a few forever commitments. Having children is a forever commitment. Parent is forever, and I’ve never wavered in my devotion to that work. Some people see marriage as a forever commitment. I have not had much success with this, however, so perhaps I’ll not comment too much about that. Maybe I can just say I don’t believe it has to be forever. Considering that feeling of being stuck forever is probably the biggest issue people have with commitment, perhaps it’s a good idea to loosen up on that a bit. I believe some people are also afraid of failure. There’s the idea that you can’t fail if you don’t try. Of course that’s totally backwards, but the capacity of the mind to justify itself is endless.

I think it would really benefit us to work through whatever issues we might have around commitment. I have discovered recently just how powerful it really is. We can hem and haw about a decision and even make a half assed decision, but the power of really committing has actually sort of astounded me. Just the decision to commit completely shifts the energy.

Some examples

A commitment to life

I’ll give a couple examples here so you can see what I mean. This first one is really personal and pretty painful to be honest. Some of you know I have struggled with some intense depression. I may or may not be bipolar. I’m not totally sure. In any case, I didn’t realize I was depressed. I thought I was just frustrated with the crazy challenges of life. Then I realized I was hoping I would die. I wasn’t willing to kill myself because of my children, but I was all the time hoping something would come along and swiftly remove me from the misery of life. After a couple months of this, it started to dawn on me that wasn’t normal. So, I went to my 18 yo son who was fresh from his first major break up from a girl he had been dating for two years. He’s almost certainly bipolar and was definitely depressed at that point. I told him I thought I might be depressed. He gave me that look that only teenagers can pull off. The “holy shit are you seriously that thick” look. He told me he was certain I had been depressed for years. I honestly don’t know how I missed it. Looking back it’s incredibly obvious, but I guess it’s sort of like the lobster in the pot. Over and over he said that he could only tell me that he understood how I felt. The thought of him wanting to die was totally and completely unbearable. My first baby. The beautiful human that made me a mom. I couldn’t abide it.

I honestly don’t know which of us suggested it. That whole time period is incredibly fuzzy. I’m honestly not terribly proud of making such a commitment with one of my own children when he was still so young. I have really close relationships with my kids, so I have to be mindful of putting too much pressure on them or laying too much heavy shit on them, especially this one. He was born an old man and has always been way more mature than his age would indicate. In any case one of us said to the other, “I will promise to stay if you will promise to stay.” So it was that I made a commitment to stop wishing for death. It changed everything. I just stopped. Very soon after I came out of my depression. I started the process of trimming unnecessary stuff from my life and started making a better effort to take better care of myself physically and emotionally. I’ve gone back into depression since then, but I have never gone back to wishing for death. I made a promise, and I have to keep it.

Solidarity: Keeping our cool together

My younger boy is, um, strong willed. And very spirited. Transitions are kinda tough for him, and frustration can turn incredibly ugly. I didn’t have these kinds of issues with my two older children, so it’s new territory, and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate it successfully. My major concern right now is for him to learn to stop hitting. He just loses control and starts swinging - usually on me. There’s absolutely no hitting in our house ever. We don’t believe in spanking at all, so I’m just not sure where it’s coming from. Anyway, I thought about a Gandhi story I remember hearing during a talk given by his grandson Arun Gandhi. Apparently there was a boy in the community who had been diagnosed with diabetes, but he kept sneaking sugar. His mother brought him to Gandhi and asked for his assistance. He whispered in the child’s ear for less than a minute, and the boy never ate sugar ever again. The mother was mystified, and Gandhi told her he had simply told the boy he would give up sugar with him so he wouldn’t have to do it alone.

I looked my sweet little man in the eye and said, “If you will do your best to stop hitting, I will do my best to stop yelling.” I made a commitment to a kind of solidarity with him. Now, I have felt horrible about how often I yell for many, many years, and I have pretty much always wanted to stop. I think, perhaps, I sort of figured it’s just how I’m wired. It’s only been a couple days, and I can’t say it has totally stopped, but it is a way significant improvement, and he hasn’t hit once.

Sometimes we thwart ourselves with our own brilliance. We can talk ourselves in and out of everything. We can dance around with words in our head and usually wind up totally tricking our own brain.

In the end it’s actually really simple. We need only make a commitment to ourselves or to another and there it is. I remember asking my ex husband’s grandmother how she had managed to make her marriage work for so long. She said, “Well, we never believed we had a choice.” Now I’ve been clear I’m not a fan of seeing marriage that way. That has cost a lot of women their lives and their mental health. However it perfectly illustrates commitment. It is beyond wanting. It is being all in and seeing no other option. Even when you can’t figure out the how.

So tell me, what are you committed to? Are there things you’ve been wanting to manifest but you haven’t really committed to yet? Give it a try. Let me know how it goes.

Much love, y’all!

As always, all pics are mine or pixabay unless otherwise noted.

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He gave me that look that only teenagers can pull off. The “holy shit are you seriously that thick” look. He told me he was certain I had been depressed for years. I honestly don’t know how I missed it. Looking back it’s incredibly obvious, but I guess it’s sort of like the lobster in the pot.

What a wise man - and this made me giggle though I really felt for you guys at the same time. I know that look. How do they know stuff we don't know ourselves? Ha.

Gosh I know that lobster in the pot thing. You credit yourself as being smart and switched on and then you turn around and go - how the hell did I not see that coming? I was on the verge of a breakdown for 3 years and it wasnt till my mind actually broke and I ended up a blubbering mess unable to get out of bed for three weeks that I realised that it had been coming for ages - I'd been in denial and it didn't 'look' like what I'd read about.

I'm committed to my husband. I don't have to worry about being 'forced' to be in this situation and he's a nice guy and I love him so I'm not fooling myself there, that's for sure, so the committment is fine by me. I was terrified of that committment in marriage but then when I decided to do so I found that it was not what I thought. It was about compromise and working through the tough patches. Sometimes - rarely - I think, jeez, life would be easier on my own, but that's not the point - we love each other and want to help each other through life and that makes our live better in some way. There's always a choice - we can always walk away - but that would be the very last resort as we're willing to work together through the tough times.

This is even more pertinent with kids because you simply can't abandon them - you're in it for life. I love those deals you made with your kids. Seems you are living and learning and loving together, and that's a really special thing.

I'm so sorry you went through depression - this piece made me quite teary as I read it. I'm glad you found a way out with the ones close to your heart and soul. xxx

Thank you so much for such an incredibly thoughtful response. I'm so glad this piece touched your heart. It's so important to talk about depression. So many people we've lost now. We need to bring more attention to it. My boy is so wise. Like I said, I have to be sure not to overburden him, but he just knows. He's always been able to finish my sentences. In fact I can just make noises and he knows what I'm talking about.
I'm sorry you had to go through a breakdown. It sounds very familiar to me. So often as women we neglect ourselves. You are blessed indeed to share the journey with someone you love. I'm not sure how I keep ending up in these crazy places with relationships, but I know for sure I'm done with the one I'm in. The gap is just much to large now.

Oh mama, it is so important to be open and honest with our children as that is what we want from them, I can imagine it is not an easy thing to recognize depression in yourself, that commitment you made with your older son is very powerful, you really both acknowledged one another and accepted one another two, what a beautiful thing that is to share something so raw and painful yet both find a way to move forward together.
I am so committed to my children and also I have recently made a commitment to myself to be more gentle with myself, I can not keep writing about these things and no do them myself. I am trying to everyday but it is not always easy it does not come natural to me. Thank you once again for sharing your truth, your pain and your wonderful self xxx

I totally agree with being honest. Did you watch Captain Fantastic? There were some things I wish they hadn't done with that movie, but the way they walk the line between being honest and sharing too much is awesome. I felt like the dad probably crossed it, but I'm also not sure I even know where it is sometimes.
My commitment to Reuben is very powerful. He is a special man, and I'm so grateful to be his mom.
I'm just starting to really appreciate myself, and you're such a big part of that. I'm glad to hear you are being more gentle. You deserve ease and abundant love and joy.

Thank you for this excellent post.

I am committed to making my publishing house work, to my relationships with my partner, and my family, and my friends. I am committed to my blog here. I am committed to doing the dishes at least once a day.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It's so important to really commit to things if we really want to see them flourish, and clean plates is not the least of these! I have found that I actually enjoy dishes when I listen to a book on my headphones. I've been listening to Lord of the Rings again. What's the name of your publishing house?

Thank you for such a compelling piece filled with honesty and strength.

Im just taking this account for a walk. ❤️

Thank you! Honesty is very important especially in these times.

Beautiful mama I admire your strength to write so open and honestly about things that are not easy to talk about for most of us.
I agree parenting is one commitment that we should never give up on. 💖😊

Thank you so much, love. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm too open, so I appreciate your words. It's not easy, but it helps so much to get it out.

Sometimes I want to give up on parenting and just wander the jungle, but I know I couldn't. I'd miss them horribly after a week. That said, I could for real use that week.

If you're comfortable being open then only good things can come from that. 💖
And I hear you. I love my kids with all my heart but sometimes we just need that 'me' time. I've thought about it too but then I look at them and feel so selfish for even thinking that way. I'd miss them too much also. One love to you beautiful mama. 💖💖💖

Alone time is sorely lacking in my life. We all need it. So much love right back to you!

I hope you can find a way to get some alone time soon beautiful mama xx <3

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