Punday Monday! Win SBI! Join this easy contest with your original pun on this week's topic! This is the 60th week that we've held the contest! Comedy Open Mic Round #26 entry, too!!!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Punday Monday!


If you’re new here, pull up a stool, order a pun-t, and get to know some of the regulars! I’m your puntender, @improv.
You can jump in any time, and if you aren’t sure how to make a pun, here’s a handy dandy guide:

If you’re an oldtimer, welcome back! Get to know some of the whippersnappers, here, we have a craft brew for you, idiomatic with hints of philosophy. Kind of cliche, but very smooth. On the house:
(Be careful when mopping your brow. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, your face will turn read.)

And since you’re an oldtimer, you might be interested in the results of our first annual best pun contest:

If you’re an any-timer, old or whipper, make sure you visit @freewritehouse! There you can meet fellow lovers of goofiness and find even more contests every week! We’re also now featured in the @steembasicincome contest round-up! Find more opportunities to win SBI there!

Hang on to your punderwear...

There’s no business like show business, so let’s show you the business we’re dealing with today!

Here’s last week’s post, and all the puns that are eligible to win this week are in the comments!

Rookie of the Week!

Goes to @dollarsandsense! Glad you got here as quickly as you could. Hope you’ll stay for the long haul!

Pocket Choice awards

Every Friday, I put up a post to solicit audience favorites! They can vote on their favorites by sending POCKET to whomever they want to win. This week’s post is here:

@tcpolymath won @paul.atreides’ heart AND POCKET! He wins! New member of the winner’s circle. As I’m sure you all remember, we’re coming up on the big annual POCKET Choice awards ceremony. Just 6 more opportunities to be inducted! So, go find the biggest pocket holders, and advocate for your pun to win! That post goes up on Fridays

If YOU want to learn about POCKET, so you can participate in voting for your favorites, go ahead and check out this link
You can also check out more info by @biophil, the creator of POCKET, and he’ll teach you. Check out his posts!

The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @tcpolymath, @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @f3nix, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, @acolucky, @ablaze, and @paul.atreides.

and our grand prize...

The prize for best pun

Best pun of the entire week

Winner of our weekly SBI share giveaway

Best Overall Pun





@littlescribe for not only finding a bunch of puns, but also interacting punnily with others’ punny puns! It’s good to have you back.

This week, I especially want to praise you all for such a cornucopia of puns. I was thrilled to pieces to see all this fun and funny! If you haven’t checked out the pun conversations that have been written on that post, go now! It’s never past payout for a laugh attack. I’d name you all, but you’ll go there and see anyways. GOOD STUFF.

And what prizes do they win, you ask?

Why, as usual, all the punsters got full strength upvotes on their submissions. (WORTH $0.02! So much value!)

Our category winners will each get to choose a post (of their own or someone else's) and I will give that post a fully powered upvote and a @tipu tip!

And the big, exciting prize of 1 SBI will go to @littlescribe!


This week's pun topic is...


I chose it because @stinawog just noticed that I got a red blotch on my face. Who knows why, but maybe I touched a cat and then my face, and, while I’m not very allergic, sometimes these things just happen. But also maybe I’m just filled with pestilence. Let’s pun about it!

As in,
You were allergic to fire? How did you escape it?
I knew what to do. There’s been a drill.

BADA-BING! You been punned. Because been a drill...Benadryl! There's Benadryl to solve the problem with an allergy, and there's been a drill to teach you how to escape a building on fire...

You get it.


I'm so good at puns....

If you've never punned before, it might seem like magic! You can do it, too! Learn how in My Free How-To Guide on Punning!

And who do I nominate to also participate in @comedyopenmic, you ask? Why none other than @eaglespirit and @haphazard-hstead!

@freedomshift offered to sponsor a minimum of 1 SBI award for contests that qualified for a #ccc post and I accept. He's promoting the #ccc:
You can learn more about the Curation Circle Creed in this post : The Honor Code - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)

And, as long as I have your attention… well, this place is probably already saturated with people who have referral codes for various “free money” things, but here are mine!

Coinbase: Cryptocurrency investment- https://www.coinbase.com/join/5929c0788331aa072d9e347e
(Hot tip, I buy BTC on pro.coinbase.com, then send it to bittrex to trade for Steem and send steem to my wallet here. It’s the most efficient way with the fewest fees I’ve found. If you’ve found better, let me know.)
Robinhood: investment platform buying/selling stocks- http://share.robinhood.com/brendaw92
Earn.com: small tasks for small rewards (need a business or .edu email) - http://earn.com/improv/referral/?a=qmk07e7tzua677hk
Mannabase: sign up for universal basic income distribution funded by cryptocurrency- https://www.mannabase.com/?ref=3984bea863
Swift: Yet another attempt at a UBI: https://www.swiftdemand.com/?referred_by=lochleinn


Dating someone with celiac disease is great! You never have to buy them flours.


Glad I found this! Thanks for the shout-out! This is a really pun contest.


Posted using Partiko Android

When I was in prison I met a man who was allergic to bee stings. He was terrified of bees, and would freak out whenever one came near him. So he was the only one who stayed in prison when the rest of us broke out in hives.

Hive to bee careful in prison!

Sounds like a rash decision.

Ah lads, will ye beehive!!

Presumably partly because the prison had no bees, so he was safe there.

There were many fine contestants at the bee farming competition. It was an honor for me to be a judge. Here are your top three winners:

Mary scores a ten.
John scores a nine.
And I am giving Paul an eight (pollinate.)

You know its good when you need parenthesis!

It's only Tuesday and there has already been a rash of puns this week.

It's an epidemic, actually. The puns are running wild all over the place. They tried to quarantine the contagion, but to no avail. It's to the point where they're going to have to start calling in the allergy experts. But if their phones don't work, you could always just call 'o mine. I've got them on speed dial.

I'm so glad I found this, but I'm allergic to puns... I break out in laughter.
I may have to increase my daily dose of political pundits to counteract the breakout, but that usually makes my trigger finger itch. That's one of the side effects of being a redneck, everything makes your trigger finger itch. Of course, a good dose of pun-o-mine usually takes care of that.

Now I just have to scratch my itch for a puntastic allergy pun to enter with.

.. you'll find something. :-())))

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Whenever I hear Gore talking about global warming and carbon taxes I always break out in a rash. I must have an AL-lergy.

I have a weird case of anaphylaxis that only shows up on pay day. Fuck my job.

Nah, you just look ugly.

In a doctor's surgery in Paris....

Doctor: What is it Pierre?

Pierre: I can only count to seven.

Doctor: Sounds like a huit allergy!

That's e neuf!

Ha ha ha... Great to see lots of people here at Pun Monday... it'd be a trajeudi if it got to Thursday with no posts!

So much french!

Je ne parle pas, messieur...

Speak Merican, commie....

We had to stop sharing our Football Season Tickets with our friend Allan.
Every game he was showing up later and later making us all miss the kickoffs. It got worse and worse as the team made it's way to the playoffs...

At that time in the Season, Hey the Fever of Al's Lethargy made us all feel bad!




lol rich... tell the truth it's the Jets and you really need to see the kickoffs because after that they are behind.

Ha! How did you happen to find this old Post?

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You know I love comedy.
Most comedians are great...
But I really can't Stand Sasha Barret Cohen.
Particularly his Ali Gee makes me sick.


Glad you're enjoying this post from last year!

Posted using Partiko Android

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