[Vlog] So JP Morgan CEO, James Dimon doesn't like crypto? No shit sherlock!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

So JP Morgan's boss, trashes Bitcoin and the price takes a hit, so I thought I'd give my take on this in a Vlog.

Disruptive technology

It has been often said bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are 'disruptive' technologies. Well in order to be disruptive it has to put someone's nose out of joint! For a moment everything seemed a little too kumbaya, with talk of 'institutional' money jumping on the bitcoin gravy train. It was almost as if the financial sector had learned the lesson from the mistakes of other institutional incumbents and embraced future innovation. However Mr Dimon has thrown a spanner in the works helping to send crypto into a tailspin.

Turkeys don't vote for Christmas

Of course the CEO of one of the leading Investment Banks, one of the bastions of the existing financial paradigm is going to be sceptical of anything that could rock the status quo that has served him so well. Particular if he missed the boat and doesn't fully understand how it works. It is not in his interest to see bitcoin or any cryptocurrency succeed.

Concern Troll

Instead of just saying, Bitcoin is not in my or my organisations best interest, Mr Dimon has taken the line that we would all be better off without bitcoin. We should get out before government shuts it down! Bitcoin is only good for criminals! It will end in tears for all the poor investors that put there money in!!

Yes there are risks in holding cryptocurrencies. Just like there are risks in putting your money in the bank. Or putting money in stocks and shares. Or under your mattress. Everything you do with money has an element of a gamble to it. You're potentially losing value to inflation or missing out on opportunities to grow your money. It's all one big game.

Yes cryptocurrency is volatile and more unpredictable than most investments. However most people go into cryptocurrencies with their eyes wide open. They know they can lose money. The mantra in crypto is do not invest what you cannot afford to lose, have control over your private keys. Everything is geared towards individuals being conscious of what they are doing with their money.


Far from being criminals, the people I encounter who are developing an interest in cryptocurrencies are professionals in their 40s/ 50s looking to protect the value/ grow their wealth for retirement. Traditional investment vehicles have let them down. The prudent savers are being punished, no longer living off the 5% -10% interest rate. They are losing wealth by keeping their money in the bank. These people aren't dumb or naive, they see the potential in cryptocurrencies and are hedging their bets or better still investing in future technology. But hey... if the CEO of JP Morgan says its bad, we have to defer to his authority right?

Family fued

Reading between the lines and the emotive language, Mr Dimon seems pissed that his daughter got the drop on him.

My daughter bought bitcoin, it went up and now she thinks she's a genius.

He is supposed to be the guru and she clocked onto bitcoin's growth potential before he did! I have 3 daughters. I know how it feels when they get it right and I get it wrong!

However thats evolution... kids are supposed to be smarter than their parents. He should be rejoicing that his daughter is de facto hedging the family fortune.

What if the old fool is right?

Lets take worse case and major governments start banning cryptocurrencies and exchanges. Aside from the impossibility of enforcing it, any ban will simply become an opportunity for other nation to fill the void. The market for protecting wealth will not simply disappear because the government says so. Countries that ban crypto will lose out on an opportunity to be on the bleeding edge of new technology. Ultimately governments yield to the will of the people on matters of innovation. Especially when they see other governments benefitting from their self-imposed exclusion.

Horse has bolted

Cryptocurrency is currently a space of growth and innovation. Technological growth tends to be exponential. Financial institutions are as stagnant as a dead horse in comparison... why else would Dimon need to warn his traders away from bitcoin? If it was such a terrible investment they would not need such an edict!

I'd fire a JPM trader in a second who traded that. Its against the rules, its stupid, its dangerous.

Usual Disclaimer

But hey this is not investment advice. My approach is to hear everyone but not to listen to anyone. I try to do my own research and follow the ethos of crypto, which is to be trustless.

With crypto you don't need to trust anyone, with your money. No 3rd party. The code and the network can be scrutinised and take your cues from there. Trust your own judgement as no-one will manage your money better than you can.

I'm only speaking from my perspective. The best wealth building decisions I've made have been by going against the grain and looking for the gap between perception and reality. But hey, maybe I'm jaded. The last time I listened to a banker I was a naive student getting shaken down and missold PPI. But hey at least they did it with a smile and a cup of tea!


You summarized it well with the saying "Turkeys don't vote for Christmas" . They have to take a stance and of course they are against crypto as it is a direct threat to their jobs. Having my own crypto wallet, my own account, where I am the ONLY one that can access and use my money makes a lot more sense then having a bank account where I always have to rely on a third party to use my money and make transaction, and trust me they don't have our best interest in mind. I think xmas will come early this year, the Turkeys better be prepared ;)

Upvoted and Followed. Please followback and please upvote and resteem if you would like to help each other out: The REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (NOT what you've heard elsewhere about wanting to drop the price) a 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard



Haha didn't JP Morgan paid the highest fine ever not too long ago, for mortgage fraud or something?

Haha didn't know Jamie Dimon has started a career in comedy :)

of course. we don't want to see those red days..but let's be honest a correction was needed. I am still for the long run 2022- that's my plan to hold.

It's a typical reaction from someone who is afraid to embrace modern times. If it were for those kind of guys we'd all still be watching television in black and white

@nanzo-scoop Terrific write-up. Certainly This is often truth in each individual state. Upvoted.

Or to put it more succinctly, I trust 'the chain' over a bunch of old white cowboys!

What you have to say is to implement.👌👌👌👌I hope this post is very nice.👌👌👌👌

His comparison to murderers, drug dealers and... North Koreans was just laughable!

Why would you fire a bitcoin trader? Because they might make more than you get paid.

This CEO boy is brainwashed!

HEY everyone I have a new upvote trail that can help you earn bitcoin for invites.

Its true what they say that old dogs can't learn new tricks! They are just scared of what they don't understand.

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