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RE: Weekly coin picks!

Nice list, I agree with most of your choices and have invested in many of them. I sold my TenX thought, don't see it going much higher though it may go back up for a short time. Reddcoin I don't really see much in.. I mined some 20K of this two years ago and held it for a while but eventually sold it for BTC because I couldn't see it getting picked up. AFAIK the name references reddit and they hoped Reddit would adopt it but they wouldn't.. so I guess they had to find another use/purpose. It all doesn't give me much faith that it will actually be adopted. But I have not kept up with the news at all for the past two years so I may be wrong.

Stratis I can see totally going all NEO in a month or two, which means now is optimal time to buy yes. I got a significant portion of my portfolio in it.

I kind of think OMG has more life in it too. Whereas TenX has been going sideways for a bit now, OMG still shows a pretty healthy upward trend on the graph (although it might be topping out now...).

I am watching ETH like a hawk but kind of don't want to sell my other stuff to get in on it. Why ditch my Stratis with pretty much guaranteed (in my eyes) 5-10x gain for ETH which might have a 2x gain..


The only thing I disagree with in what you said is the Reddcoin comment.

The reason I believe Reddcoin could easily 10X is because REDD-ID will intergrate with many websites via a browser plugin so there is no need for Reddit to even officially adopt the coin. The idea is instead of having complex wallet keys you can get wallet names which intergrate with the system so if I click on your YouTube account and want to send you Reddcoin I can simply click on the plugin and send money to your username.

I believe that Reddcoin will completely overtake Doge as the previous tipping coin.

But the receiver would need to install the plugin too to receive Reddcoin and that's going to be the biggest hurdle since Youtube won't be offering it by default.. not yet anyway. I mean you could be right, I don't know.. I personally think it's a 'maybe' at best. Things would change significantly if they got some big party onboard. But maybe blockchain will make old platforms obsolete. Sure you could get a Youtube plugin for Reddcoin but if the future is blockchain then Youtube will be replaced by a D-Tube or LBRY or similar and then Reddcoin would be sidetracked. Plus, what if Youtube decides to start competing with the D-Tubes and introduces it's own cryptocurrency or maybe adopts another one instead of Reddcoin? Too many uncertainties... I'd much rather avoid them and put the extra investment in some more Stratis which I feel is pretty much guaranteed to grow and is more of a 'probably' or 'pretty sure' than a 'maybe'.

Edit: I don't invest much in any social media coin and am highly critical of any dapps which show no solid promise of mass adoption. I consider the risk of another party coming by and doing the same thing, but better (or simply more rewarding) to be too big. Just think about Myspace vs Facebook or Yahoo vs Google.

Yeah that is definately true, although the advantage of Reddcoin not being directly intergrated is that even if YouTube or Facebook or reddit becomes redundant or gets its own coin integration it doesn't matter. Got example let's say you write a post on Steemit which I enjoy and is so useful to me that a simple 100% upvote doesn't seem a good enough thank you for your work. Well, I can simply click on the extension and send you some Reddcoin. You don't have REDD-ID? No problem, you will automatically get an email from the service saying you have received some Reddcoin and to setup a wallet to claim it.

This is what REDD-ID is going to do. And even if you don't much care for the project, which is fair enough, I think that even just buying some before the initial pump after REDD-ID release is worth it in and of itself.

I have both a lot of Reddcoin and Stratis. Whichever increases in value first will be sold and put into the other anyway, to enjoy some of that compound profit ;)

Oh yes I think it's a really interesting concept. I mean certainly if you get a message saying "You have been paid X Reddcoin, click here to download the client to collect them" it will lure a lot of people into actually downloading the wallet and accessing them.
It's just tricky, to anticipate where the mainstream herd will go... But maybe I am getting too critical. I am reconsidering many of my positions in STEEM, LBRY, BAT because I am getting doubt about their adoption. It isn't that I doubt something will emerge to take the world by storm.. I'm just not sure it's going to be these in particular. More and more competitors seem to be entering the space, and usually a new player will have some improvements over the older player. Without there being a clearcut 'king', you kind of need to invest in all of them in order to not miss out.

Yeah I definately get what you are saying.

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