Lets talk EuroVision.

in #curie6 years ago (edited)

Tomorrow on 8.5. 2018 in Portugal, Eurovision starts. If youre from US you probably dont care much, but we Europeans, we do care.
..... Care is a bit too big of a word. 😁 Lets say we acknowledge it exists.

So what is the Eurovision song contest?

It all started in 1956 as a contest between nations of the existing "European broadcasting union". It was primarily based on the already existing "Sanremo music festival" that existed in Italy from the early 1950s.
The way it worked was pretty simple. Every country would submit one original song that would be played on live broadcast, and then every country would cast votes to see which country would win in the end.

Cool right? Yeah. 😎
Ill just skip the historical importance, talking about the goal of overcoming division in Europe after WW2 and just jump to today. To flashy colors, the political undertones, songs of questionable quality, plagiarism, and the very fake feeling atmosphere of it all. 😅

Nowadays you could say that Eurovision voting is affected by 3 things.

  1. The singing competition part, with all the choreography and the stylings and the stage theatrics involved.
  2. Second thing is the extremely volatile politically charged aspect based on foreign relations. (yes foreign relations can indeed have an effect on a music competition)
  3. Third and not least are the current western trends amplified by a magnitude of a 10 (lets say 10 😊) that span from: "what popular music looks and sounds like" to "what the flavor of the day is in social justice".

When you combine all those things you get to a

circus like competition where all songs sound like something you heard last summer; with crazy choreography; where when you see your neighboring country voting, you get mad when you voted for their crap song and they give you no points; where the host from your country likes to give snarky comments, comments how our judges didnt "lobby hard enough"; Where half the countries try to push some kind of agenda with their songs; where the freakier you are the more attention you get..... etc..

Funny thing is that even with all those things i said. I will be watching this. At least the final.

This has run for 63 years so far and its just so much a part of our culture that you must at least acknowledge its existence, no matter how bad you might think it is.
Id even say it has a somewhat "Big Brother" aura that creates antipathy mixed in with curiosity, but rather with some actual talent involved.

Its like that multi colored ice-cream you buy at a gas station, that dazzles you with pretty colors, but when you take one lick it tastes like that one time you drank your tea after the lid of the sugar dispenser fell off and sugar poured in to form a small island.

But "over the top" criticizing aside... I do actually like it.
Its stupid, its loud and its ridiculous, but there is something charming in that weird atmosphere that surrounds it. The glamorous presentation with little substance and the painstaking attention seeking.

In the end it really needs to be seen as is.... A European singing competition that Australia is participating in... hahaha. Not what i wanted to say.

Its a show... Thats the best description i could give it.

.. And most of the time the winning song is quite good, with some true gems that can be found from time to time (not going further back before 2000s), like the Bosnia and Herzegovina entry from 2006 Leyla or the Serbian entry from 2004 Lane moje ...
Probably plenty more but these stick out since they are from my language region.

Ill end this off with our Croatian entry this year that had, ofc, controversies tied to like its often the case with this

Hope you enjoyed my short "mock" cynical review of the Eurovision... and dont forget to vote for Croatia tomorrow! 😉

And the Steeming, yes, keep at it. 😋

Some of my music videos:

Enya: May it be (LOTR soundtrack)
Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (Hoist the colors and Main theme)
I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables
The Minnowsupport Lullaby
Schindlers List Theme
Sam Smith: "Im not the only one"
Meno/Pechichemena: "Wait" cover
Whitney Houston: "I have nothing"
Beyonce: "Listen"
Cee Lo Green: "Forget you"

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I personally loathe this contest and stanchly refuse to watch it. Its riddled with political nonsense and doesn't hold much talent.

You, on the otherhand... well, I just watched this..

Whitney Houston: "I have nothing"

And as its too old to vote on, Ill vote on this post instead. Ill be honest with you, most of your songs I am not familiar with but of course everyone knows Whitney and this is not an easy song to master.

Wonderful rendition again, I'm a big fan,

Well thank you. And i agree, its really filled with nonsense. But that parade of flashy pap tied into the tradition of watching it year after year creates some appeal for those that grew up with it.
Its a very weird kind of relationship we have with it. haha

Im not used to having fans so thank you again. :D

Haha funny. I like this line the best:

circus like competition where all songs sound like something you heard last summer.


Theres this guy that gets on trending a lot with bots. Yallapapi i think. I really like his writing style, and i always think hes playing a character of sorts (although he might not be) in his writing with his excessive flexing and over the top claims and analogies.
I really wanted to write something short in that style. Hes much better then me in his writing, but still, i feel like its interesting to read something "over the top" some times for fun. :)

Hahaha. Poor unicorn with the jelly feet syndrome.😁

Kad san bija klinac onda se pratila Dora i kao pjesme su bile fora jer je to svakom klincu fora, ono dodjeljivanju bodova. Davno je to izgubilo draž, ali kako te život uvijek testira tako u subotu sa društvom s posla idemo na glavni trg tu u Lisabonu gledati dodjelu bodova hahah, da mi je to netko rekao prije par godina rekao bi mu da je lud, ali eto... život te uvik poklopi nekako :)

A jednostavno te privlaci to. Neznam ni ja objasnit. Pokusala sam u tekstu ali tko zapravo zna. haha

nemamo šanse, mislim da jako loše stoji na kladionicama:)

A neznam kad smo zadnji put dobro stajali na kladionicama. :D
Nikad neznas. hehe

Vjerujem ili ne, jako volim EUROVISION. Postoje, naravno, mnogi strašni umjetnici koji sudjeluju, ali najveći dio talenta je uvijek prisutan.

Concuerdo completamente. El talento está presente pero la manifestación del talento falta en su entrega. Es más bien intercambiado por la presentación superficial.
Mira, puedo jugar este juego también. haha

Čestitam svome dragom prijatelju, osvojio si nagradu. Provjerite svoj novčanik!

I know, i know.. Mi loco corazón está muerto

@silentscreamer#6651 I will do. I used to watch eurovision with my mom as a child so I have fon memories of other times but it has been decades I do not. Now it is all about tv shows to chose contestants x factor style. I was almost involved in though in 2010 or 2011. Glad it did not happen, as much it would seem a promotion many contestants carreer sinks after. With respect to all who enjoy them.

Yes the fame is very short lasting. Most likely you wont hear about those people again. Its kind of good, but leaves a stigma. Everything surrounding it is very odd. I really cant say if its better that you went or not.
Its best that you made a decision you stand by.

So awesome and very nicely your content.so beautiful

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