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RE: Sometimes a Simple Coat of Paint can Change the Feel of a Room | DIY Saturday Night

in #diy6 years ago

Good choice and landscaping helps. Cleaning and decluttering. The difference between a house with a thorough cleaning between the light, odor, view of vacuumed carpets makes such a difference.


FYI: Not saying you need to clean your house. Just adding to the conversation of the post. :)

haha, I do need to clean my house though

Hey buddy, what area of the country are you in if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking at buying a place down in or around Charleston SC. Their real estate market has been going through the roof over the past couple years and even just in the past few months. One particular area I'm looking at is up like 22% on the year already. Some places have doubled in price from when I started looking a few years back.

Part of me thinks it's a bubble and not sustainable, however at the same time the nature of Charleston being swampy and stuff means there's only so much room to expand, you can't really have the same type of sprawl you have in other areas where things continue to expand out so part of me thinks this is just the new reality.

In addition to Charleston also looking at Wilmington NC and Tampa FL. Any thoughts?

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