
ecoinstant! you're kiddin me. that thing must have built up it's neck like a pro football lineman!
I don't suppose you guys got anything mounted out there today?

Nothing mounted yet, a to-do list a mile long, we'll get to it before the years out I'm sure ;p

Ah! I thought I responded to this one....I accidentally responded to myself! Can you believe the nerve I've got!

haha! I haven't done that one yet, responding to myself. yet.
I thought you guys were heading back soon, what's this about getting stuff mounted before the years out?
me no savvy. are you staying at your mom's house? if so I wouldn't leave for awhile either.

Yeah, we are staying here with Grandma, will probably stay for a good period of time, lots of work to do here, planning, working, learning, doing :)

oh wow, ok well I thought you were just passing through but now you're permanent members of the choir and setting down roots! lol.

I suppose that is true, we do have some roots here in Florida, in fact I have an unpublished song where I call Florida, 'My old mistress'.

well you know that Texas has over 1,000 people each day moving to her. The number one state they are from is CA, then NY, then Florida! Why I don't know, supposedly for the jobs but I'm not sure we're all that thrilled about it. especially those strange East coasters. They'll be okay if they move to Austin, Houston or San Antonio otherwise they'll probably go screaming and crying back to their mommies in Florida!

I have heard that, that Austin is being overrun with foreigners (from a Texan perspective)! Well, I think the future will be very interesting.

Ah, no....not yet! But I did prune a bush and clean the gutters! I'm serious my to-do list is a mile long, once something goes on there you can be sure I'll do it before the decade is out....

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