Popcorn - How To Deal With Life's Drama

in #dlive6 years ago


Popcorn Anyone?

Why am I blogging about popcorn? Why does popcorn have to do with homesteading, prepping, Steemit or life in general?

Well, let me tell you a revelation...

Feeling the blues?
Have some popcorn.
Somebody gave you a flag?
Have some popcorn
Neighbor making too much noise?
Have some popcorn
Don't like Trump?
Have some popcorn

My point is, you pay a lot of money for Netflix, cable, Hulu, HBO or Hollywood in general and you already have drama all around you!

Why pay the high price for drama when it's all around you? You just need to pay attention, smile, laugh, cry and have some popcorn.

Here's how we make our popcorn

  1. Presto Hot Air Popper - you need this bad boy. You don't need oil and the popcorn doesn't get burnt. Cooks it real fast and it's got a little warmer on top for butter.
  2. Add half a cup of your favorite organic popcorn inside
  3. Put the top on and the little warmer
  4. Add butter and honey to the warmer
  5. Plug it in and make it pop!
  6. Drizzle the melted butter/honey concoction over the popcorn
  7. Put it in a paper sack
  8. Shake it good while singing Shake It Baby!
  9. Salt and give it another shake
  10. Put it in a bowl and enjoy the popcorn.... and drama


From Now On

Don't get stressed. Don't get mad. Make some popcorn. If you find yourself getting triggered, make some popcorn.

I'm shaking my head here since my husband and I are talking to each other about this. Life is tough as it is, we don't need the stress. The only thing we can change is our behavior, our reaction and our perspective.

Sure, we take important matters seriously. Deal with it, fix it, remedy it. But it doesn't help when we're angry and mad. It helps your blood boil and that I don't need any help with.

... just a little humor... for the drama and action in our life.


My video is at DLive


Popcorn, you're speaking my language but that's a very high tech method! Been perfecting my kettle corn recipe recently, not something you get in England and trying to convert cups into a measurement I understand isn't as easy as you'd think.

I weighed it for you. 1/2 a cup of popcorn is 112 grams. Or if by volume 125 ml :)

We tried popping popcorns in oil and always burn the last bottom corn kernels.

You say kettle - as in kettle for boiling water for tea?

Thank you so much! That really helps me out

I used to burn it all the time, but after some experimenting I've managed to stop it. Low flame on the gas burner, and constant shaking of the pan.

Ha no, I think it's a US thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle_corn

Basically a bit more oil than you'd normally use with the sugar and salt put in before you put the kernels in. Gives it a fine coating similar to what you might find in a cinema I find. A guilty pleasure and not something you can eat every night!

Kettle corn
Kettle corn is a sweet-and-salty variety of popcorn that is typically mixed or seasoned with a light-colored refined sugar, salt, and oil. It was traditionally made in cast iron kettles, hence the name, but in modern times other types of pots and pans are used.

We made some popcorn on a rainy day🤩🤩. We have around 200 kgs of maize in our home. We took out some and made some popcorn.


Maize! Popcorn anytime of the day. Those look good. Did you cook them in oil? Haven't figured out how to NOT burn them when making popcorns.

My father did this for us. Yeah they are cooked in oil. Then fried seperatly adding salt turmeric and chilli powder. I have video of cooking but I cannot post it in comments.

Haha that was funny. We don't have that fancy thing, but an old pot we designate for popcorn. Such a great treat!

:) We just got tired stressing out the little things. Our little one asked and we explained how when you go to the movies, most would get popcorn before going in to watch. And that's when the idea clicked :)

It is a great treat. One time we sprinkled powdered cheese - that was good too.

Yay! Popcorn! True... when life gives you drama, pop some corn and enjoy the show. <3

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