Illuminati's Seven Objectives: If Accomplished... Are We Hopeless?

The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. The alleged seven goals are as follows:

  1. Abolition of all ordered governments
  2. Abolition of private property
  3. Abolition of inheritance
  4. Abolition of patriotism
  5. Abolition of the family
  6. Abolition of religion
  7. Creation of a world government

Image Source- Pixabay

In this post, I will be taking all seven goals of the Iluminati and breaking down what they want, how it will effect us and what has already started to happen.

  • Abolition of all ordered governments - While to date there hasn't been a global authority that includes worldwide executive, legislature and judiciary branches of government, a one-unified military, or a constitution of laws, this is what the Illuminati is striving for.

But how could and would this be accomplished?

From the United Nations to the World Trade Organization and other groups; World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF), the League of Nations and more have all been under scrutiny at one point or another for wanting to possibly be a one government authority or ruling. While none have officially succeeded, what would it actually take for say the United Nations to become a ruling government over the entire world?

  • Abolition of private property- In other words... eminent domain law? No one is allowed to own personal (private) property?

Right now government (local, state or federal) can access property for public utilities and upgrades, but if a martial law style government is enforced, people would stand to lose their homes, their land or property and whatever else is included on the property.

  • Abolition of inheritance- When a family member passes away, generally property is handed down to family members, or next of kin; especially when specified in a last will and testament. BUT, in some socialist countries (ie. Russia) after the death of a person, property becomes the state's property. Family owners have no rights to it.

Patriotism is the ideology of attachment to a homeland. This attachment can be a combination of many different features relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism

So my understanding is that if this right was taken away, no one would be able to appreciate, celebrate or recognize what our country means to us and/or publicly state our feelings. We would be silenced.

  • Abolition of the family- This is a Marxism type of thinking here; and for you Americans (in the US), you know Barack Obama and even Hillary Clinton both are followers of Karl Marx. It is a known fact and neither ever tried to hide it.

Quote from The Communist Manifesto:

Abolition of the family! ... The bourgeois family will disappear, in the course [of history] as its supplement [private property] disappears, and both will vanish with the destruction of capital.

  • The Communist Manifesto, Chapter 2, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels. (My translation.)

Source- The American Thinker website

Also from The American Thinker website:

The top priority of Marxism was the abolition of the family; Marx laid down the strategy for its destruction. His thesis was simple: Eliminate capital -- exterminate the family [i]. More and more empirical evidence is piling up to show that this is exactly what is happening in America.

  • Abolition of religion- This is geared towards having only one religion. But which one?

If it being guided and directed by the Illuminati, then you can almost guarantee that a Luciferian-style religion. Fir more about that, see my previous post Luciferian World, Carolyn Hamlett & The Illuminati.

‘World government’ refers to the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority'

In September of 2015, the United Nations a possible new universal agenda for all of humanity. Known as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and speaks of ending world poverty among other things. The agenda mentions more globalization and more centralization; which we, as a technology world, have been trying to steer away from. If you read in between the lines enough of this document you can start to see how the UN is speaking of how all of humanity could benefit and be saved from all of its problems within a New World Order.

What Does Adam Weishaupt Have To Say About This...

Reading so much information online and in the this book, The New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson will really open your eyes to some things that have been there all along and you either were blind to, chose to ignore or were influenced by media and other organizations/groups/affiliations that had great persuasion on you.

I have been reading this book almost every day for the last month; although it's been on my bookshelf for about five years. It is really an intriguing, and eye-opening, read. You have to read it with an open mind; and have the patience to follow along. It is a VERY in-depth book.


Bavarian professor and 18th-century German thinker Adam Weishaupt, the man who founded the Illuminati is quoted as saying,
"The true purpose of the Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments and abolish private property."

He continues saying,
"... the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity, and overthrow all civil government."

So if these goals were to actually happen, where would we be?
A communist world?

What are your thoughts?

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Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.


This is some scary stuff and unfortunately I don't think it is just a conspiracy theory. And I don't think it's just the Ililuminati but many of the the other secret societies as well. We need to stay faithful to the true light, which is Jesus Christ.

Sad but yes I do agree with you. Once upon a time people may have thought the topic, society and future were made for TV or big screen movies... but... no, so much is hidden.


We need to stay faithful to the true light, which is Jesus Christ.

howdy @goldendawne! Another great post, so informative and important for people to wake up and learn some of these dangers. The Illuminati have been working on these plans for centuries and with global communication, commerce and finances they are closer than ever to attaining their goals. There are conspiracy theories but they aren't theories, they're real! Of course I'm talking about the major ones concerning the NWO, there are tons of other conspiracies which are ludicrous but those make people believe that all conspiracy theories are nuts. The Church and people worldwide really need to wake up. God bless you!

It would be a dark, disconnected, cold future. Hell on earth manifested. That is our choice, we must take a stand and support each other to build a better future. Our individual actions will build and go toward a future of peace/abundance/cooperation.

Most definitely it would. I cannot even begin to fathom how life would be.
We have so much to lose...

Thanks for bringing awareness to this topic. I wasn't aware you were tracking this sort of thing too. Going back and watching old movies and music videos you realize this isn't anything new, and has been planned out for a long time.

Oh yeah... I have always had a deep fascination with the Illuminati. I read so many non-fiction books about the society, watch as many documentaries as I can and read up on it online all the time. I just started writing about the Illuminati maybe two to three weeks ago... the more I read, the more concerned I do become.


Mind control. But, I doubt they will find a person to rule that hell and make it last, ideology wise of course, so they will try to enforced it ( partially already done) by the means of technology.

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