Recurring elements of my dreams

in #dreams5 years ago

I dream often; almost every night. I also have the good fortune of frequently remembering my dreams vividly. I don't have scary or sad dreams very often but I do have extremely frustrating dreams that seem to follow a common path. There is no magic and the location is normally different but it seems to always have a common plot.


One common aspect of my dreams is that I am working in a restaurant or bar. This is understandable because I worked in the food-service industry in some capacity for most of my life. Later in life i was the owner of a bar and restaurant and only recently became completely detached from the industry. So it is understandable why it would be on my mind.


However, always in these dreams the bar I am working at is horribly understocked and most of the time in a location that is not at all conducive to acquiring what you need to make drinks. The ice and beer will be on the first floor and my post is behind the bar on the roof for example. No matter what I do in these dreams I can't get the bar ready and the drinks I have to make I'll finish half of, go to get the other ingredients only to discover the half cocktail I have made is missing upon my return. I never complete my objectives in these dreams and it drives me crazy.


Other times I am in the kitchen and the setup is always really strange like the food is kept in a room waaaaaay over there and the burners are over here. I am always burning stuff and don't even have the equipment to remove the now on fire food. Again, I am never able to complete my orders in these dreams as the waitstaff become more and more upset with me for screwing this up.

I have worked in restaurants and bars where I would get "in the weeds" at many times in the past (in the weeds means that you are really busy and struggling to catch up with the orders.) This obviously is a stressful situation but I never realized until recently that these real-life experiences must have made a permanent burn on my psyche. I haven't worked in or owned a restaurant for several years and while I was working in them I didn't have these dreams. I wonder why it is happening now? There is no chance I am going to get "in the weeds" these days and I wonder why it is there.

I would say I have a dream involving one of these two scenarios at least 2 times a week and the bar or restaurant that I "work" in are never the same twice. Perhaps this recurring scenario says something about how I hate not being able to complete objectives or am haunted by something that I am not consciously aware of that is incomplete in my current life.

The brain is a very powerful thing - there's no denying that. Do you have recurring elements in your dreams that are similar? Am I feeling as though my situation is unique when it is actually very common? I'd be interested in your feedback for sure.


I have also strange dreams too with a lot of different scenarios.

in a lot of them i'm wearing military suit and because in Greece we try to explain our dream when you see someone with military suit or wearing one is like someone protecting you.

also because i like pc gaming a lot i'm seeing myself in a situation that i have to do something, solve something, kill something etc. when i see this dream for the first time i am trying to solve it but often i am failing. after a lot of days or even months i am seeing the same dream but the strange part is that in my dream i remember what i had done last time and i know that this will not work and i am trying something different. this repeats until the point i solve the problem.

last but not least.
Did anyone of you have see Inception?
something like this sometimes happens to me too. i am falling asleep in my dreams and seeing dreams!!! and the most odd thing is that sometimes I know I'm dreaming twice. can not explain it but it is happening

cool follow up bro! There are probably some clever scientists out there that could tell us what this all means. For me, i suppose i would rather have a frustrating dream than not dream at all.

The truth is that when i realize that i am in a dream i currently enjoy it knowing what will happen next in case that i had seen that dream before or knowing that all of this is fake.

Posted using Partiko Android

Since you have been doing all of these critiques of the bars and restaurants around where you live, maybe it is your way of telling yourself you should open your own. You are seeing what works and what doesn't. What there is a lot of and what the town is lacking. Maybe it is a way of telling you to look at that part of your life again because you still have something unfinished there...

i had my own restaurant before. it was a lot of fun for the first couple of years. Mostly I feel like restaurants are a lot of work with very little reward. :)

I have heard similar from other people.

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I was just thinking about this today. Mine are flying, and usually when I have those dreams (like Superman flying)- I am going through a lot and its a good thing because I always feel better after the dream. What is going on in your life? Does this dream make you feel any emotion? You do know that the dream is probably not literal, was there areal reason why you left the restaurant industry? I loved your post and upvoted and resteemed and all that jazz. Do I have to say that all the time? If I write you I do all that too. I like your posts. Have a fabulous night my Steem friend. Sleep Well!!

I used to dream a lot about flying. Normally I am flying a plane that doesn't function properly over deep water and eventually crash into it and remarkably am not hurt. However, i never get hurt in my dreams.

I am so never in a plane a my fear of flying is a work in progress. Do you “feel” the crash? Or simply assume ? I always wonder if that feeling is a push to make a decision and it’s a way for your mind to be put at ease of the change ... yes I have been told I over think ... I am happy you have survived your dreams 😁

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Are you familiar with the works of Carl Jung? They deal heavily with dream interpretations.

I rarely have recurring dreams (except for stress-dreams/nightmares, which tend to be very similar and usually related to being late places: the meanings of my recurring dreams are typically obvious), but there are definitely commonalities.

The "separation from need" dream is very common, from what I understand (personal experience and what I hear from others). It's not something that I've really seen psychoanalysts deal with, so I can't speak to it in any way (despite being interested in dream interpretation, I only take very conservative stabs at my own dreams, much less the dreams of others).

One interesting thing that I read in one of Jung's works is that when you're trying to interpret a dream, you can typically expect a correct interpretation to "stick"; except for a dream as a result of stress or anxiety, the dream should cease recurring once one figures out the meaning of it.

Of course, Jung is something of an eccentric, but eccentrics are not always wrong.

I had heard the Jung name before but was unaware he had written about dream interpretation. I suppose it would probably be very subjective though. I'll look into it and thanks for the tip!

Jung is very interesting. Man and His Symbols is a good starting point, it was conceived as basic introduction to his work, but gets really deep. Several of his students add their own perspectives as well, which gives a very good overview. There are some really cool examples of dream interpretation in there.

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Thing is, dream set-ups are often strange and thats one way we characterize or know these are dreams different from a reality setting really however I don't really understand the way dreams really work but I know that sometimes it's as a result of things we don't even understand let alone know.

PS; my voting power is set to zero, I'll continue voting when it's recovered

Very interesting! You have kept lots of old stresses deep inside your brain!
Somehow you feel a bit guilty for not being able to control those situations completely.
It’s time to tell yourself that you had done your best! There’s no need for perfection! Tell yourself you actually did rather well. So thank yourself and celebrate your accomplishment!

Posted using Partiko iOS

You aren't alone. I often have similar dreams that I cannot accomplish tasks that aren't usually that complicated and frustrating. I have always wanted to know what they mean. It is weird that these types of dreams should alert us to the fact that we are dreaming. I have not found any solution. I can only guess that this may be quite common and will occur again as long as we are able to dream.

yes, the frustrating dreams are frustrating to me because they are something that I normally would be able to easily complete in real life. I should meditate on this so that I can quickly realize that I am dreaming and then take control of the dream... which is something I have done before. It is pretty awesome.

happy to see you again @gooddream
my post is waiting for your time & comment

I do not have dreams like yours. But I agree with you about brain. Thank you for this post.

Posted using Partiko Android

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