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RE: David Far - Colosseum (Epic/Classical/Acoustic)

in #dsound5 years ago (edited)

I think the reason why it felt Traditional Spanish is because of my classical guitar and the melodies I played emotionally :D, but that idea just came to my head to be creative in this track, first I started with Cello lines and the guitar lines added at the end,
oh, I must hear it, can you send me a link to Coliseum?
that's amazing, I love to do that too :D to have orchestral group which I can work with them, it will be great, listen to this orchestra:

I was more interested in its orchestra than its vocal, and for me the special part was 0:27 which they start soft and each instrument joins, perfectly. (That's your Instrument :D which this performance start with)


Colisseum is not mine but the composer who made the soundtrack, I am featured in nine of the tracks including the closing theme Rudis, but also as lead voice in the instrumental parts. It's very much a classical film music score and well it's about Romans so it has lots of epic fanfarre also here and there :) but if you're curious it's on Spotify or any digital retailer as "Marc Timó" Coliseum. It features Girona Symphonic Orchestra and Choir there is also a making of on youtube but doesn't feature the vocal parts just the Orchestra recording process.

that's interesting :) , yes I heard your part, you did it perfect :) , I heard Rudis on spotify, if you like, we can start a project, something new and original :) , maybe not like real orchestra but something creative :)

I am also in the orchestal themes but mostly chanting... I'm afraid this year I'm focused in finishing Fear no More, I promised Isaria to finish a collab for fun and my partner is waiting for a co-joined project, he's been waiting so long. Also will be moving soon so in fact I'm finishing some singles to likely dismantle the studio to relocate :) thanks for the offer though :)

That's cool :) , no It's all good, I am also in the same situation, with much works I accepted to do and still busy and I was thinking to start something in between.

:) At the moment I'm about to send a single to official release and then it will give like eight weeks to edit the video, then finish the collab which is done but need to clean the takes, then @hedac collaboration and meanwhile packing. There are also other things I can't mention that are making this year really hectic :( Trying my best and failing to keep up that is why I have been less on Steemit, nothing to do with the price.

I totally understand, I am also a person who do multi tasks which it's good and bad, good because we are artists and enjoying what we do, and bad because of limits in energy and time. that's great, you and Hedac are doing great works :)

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