
I'm also a lucid dreamer for many years. And i believe i also had some astral projections, or OBE's. Most of my dreams start with me in bed the same position i slept. And i'm aware of all the process when falling asleep and entering a dream (the vibrations, buzzing, etc).

I wand OBE to be an experience all on its own, but lot of lucid dreamers say it's like Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming and essentially OBE is still a dream state. I'm not sure what to believe yet.

I use the WILD technique. Sometimes i get it right, thus experiencing those sensations. When i say i have an OBE experience i don't believe it's really my soul or whatever leaving the body. It's me entering a dream, but it's like an OBE in the sense that my dream starts with me lying in bed.

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