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RE: My first music video shot by me!

in #dtube5 years ago

Thank you for your support @glenalbrethsen Those flying machines tend to get away from us for some reason, do not they? I wonder if there are so many that took off, how come i never find any? :)

Considering the mistakes... quite a few to mention, first of all, i shot all footage HD and not full HD. I'd call this a Sony bug (i am using A7rII), since if you Full HD select resolution but choose higher frame rate it just reverts to HD.
Also so many poorly exposed and out of focus shots. Now i got SmallHD monitor to track that and use false color assistance for exposure so the next one definitely has to be much better.

I also kind of shot everything on Standard profile :) Which is ok, but then it has less dynamic range and flexibility working in post regarding detail in shadow and highlight areas.

The list goes on and on and on :))) I think i should start doing the tutorials as i learn, maybe that would help other people that just got into film/video making.


I think created the tutorials would be a great idea. I know there's plenty of drove enthusiasts around, and I'm sure someone else would benefit from such a thing.

re: mistakes

I'm wondering just how much of that matters when Dtube is supposedly only 480p? Don't get me wrong. I understand wanting to have things as good as they can be, and really should be. I'm constantly trying do the same in anything I'm trying to do.

The cool thing is, you know what needs to be improved upon, and you're taking steps to correct them. And then, if Dtube ever supports Full HD, it will be awesome. :)

You are right of Dtube being 480p for now, but i am sure they are hashing source file anyways and it's just a matter of time before they resolve any issues with IPFS (i believe that's what they are using) and tech becomes more scalable, and i think we will see those resolutions just to pop in.

On the other hand, for this particular case the video was not meant exclusively for Dtube, i was shooting it for the artist, and 720 max source is a fuckup for me :) Yes you can upscale it to at least full HD but still the quality in this instance suffers.

But yeah, you learn when you do, and when you do you inevitably do mistakes. I told the guy i have never done it before in my life, so he was warned at least lol But on my part it's a failure that i will be triple checking in the future :)

I think i'll sleep on tutorial idea, info is the main thing, not the quality, and i could create them exclusively for dtube :) YT allready has tons of it :)

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