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RE: Why do your Shitposts Get More Engagement than Content that Took Hours to Make?

in #dtube5 years ago

#3 - Posts that relate.

Let's face it, we all have different tastes - things that are interesting to some are boring to others and vice versa.

I don't think there is any right or wrong answer. I hope that the majority of folks simply pass by the posts they aren't interested in instead of typing negative comments.

Some folks really like to bid bot themselves, this is their choice.

Other folks have multiple accounts and use one account to vote for the other. The best example of this is trafalgar. In the beginning, he tooks a big risk and invested a significant amount of fiat into his steem account (> $100K AUS) He started a second account that only posts memes (traf). Traf posts, waits 6 days at around $2, then trafalgar gives himself a $20 upvote. - This was discussed furiously for a while, but the consensus was, if he was willing to take the risk of investing that much at the beginning, then he deserves the massive upvote now.

Part of the beauty of anarchy is that shitposts or self voting are a choice. No one individual really has a right to say whether it's right or wrong.


if i am not wrong, it is kinda respectful for people that vote on his posts to wait for that 6 days as than all that voted get a cut from it (i could be wrong, i suck at that curation rewards :) )

hehe, I haven't been able to keep up with the changes in the curation algorithms. But, you are correct in that you would definitely want to upvote before the power vote to get a piece of the pie. Which then leads to the question of upvoting simply for curation rewards vs upvoting for content you enjoy ... Arguably, we all like content that makes us rewards. :-)

I think this is one of the most recent curation algorithm posts ...

that brings less votes on posts that are older, but from his point he is doing nice thing for his voters by waiting the 6th day, so he is also rewarding people that follow him.
i can't follow all that changes, sometimes i just don't care, if i like something i vote and that is it.

No one individual really has a right to say whether it's right or wrong.

100% agree with this! The point of this post wasn't necessarily to say whether people "should" be making shorter or longer posts ... but just comparing why the shorter posts often seem to get more engagement. I've just seen a lot of people scratching their heads at that lately and thought I'd add some of my thoughts to the conversation!

And I would actually agree with the general consensus on the traf thing too. I know that self voting, and draining the rewards pool are big topics - but generally speaking, if someone owns stake - then they should be able to do what they want with it.

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