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RE: Meredith asks... Joining new social media platforms

in #dtube5 years ago

Well I have an inactive FB. Ever since TSU (not sure if you were on there) I favored the idea that creators should get a tiny something unlike how FB does it. I am just now using twitter, but I would not want to spend too much time on it.


I think TSU launched right around the time Bubblews shut down. I may have written a total of two posts before realizing it wasn't sustainable and abandoned it. They both relied on Adsense for revenue (a BAD idea) to pay their contributors. I still have posts on Hubpages, which uses Adsense, but at least their smart about it. They payout based on your personal traffic. So, unless you have a HUGE following and a lot of visits, earnings are scarce.

My focus will remain on WLS and Steemit, but I network on the major social media sites because...well... let's face it, Facebook has over a billion users. If you want an audience, that's where the people are.

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