DTube Fitness Motivation - Are Your Beliefs Causing You To "Upper Limit" Your Results?

in #dtubefitness6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steem Stars and DTube Fitness Fanatics!

Two weeks ago, I was buzzing. I had been doing six exercise sessions per week and was feeling great. I was also noticing real, physical results.

Then last week..........one exercise session in the whole week!

This wasn't a conscious decision. I just unconsciously found things to put in the way of my continuing fitness journey.

It was self-sabotage and all down to a phenomenon called "Upper Limiting".

Basically, you have a set of beliefs and the strongest of all are your identity beliefs - the "I AM's"

If you start acting out of line with your "I AM" beliefs for too long, it can create a massive disturbance in the force.

This is hard for your subconscious mind to handle and then after a while, it will find all sorts of clever ways to start sabotaging you.

When you become conscious of this, you can do something about it.

Whether you have fallen off the wagon with your fitness journey, your creativity on DTube, or anything else, understanding how you are upper limiting yourself could really support you to reach the next level of your transformation or success.

I explore why that is in today's Vlog and, tomorrow, I'll do an EFT Tapping video that shows some ways that you can shift these beliefs and create a new path for yourself.

Here's to breaking through!

Sam x

▶️ DTube



It's good to hear that you were making good progress. Everyone fails once in a while. You only did 1 workout the whole week. Maybe your body needed a break. You now need to fail forward.

Failing Forward is a book I recently read by John Maxwell. Basically failure is nothing but temporary and what separates winners and losers is the fact that they both failed, but the winners pushed through failure!

Great message @eftnow
I'm looking forward to your tomorrow's video of how to shift those beliefs.

Thank you Jo. Me too or I'm destined to be "big boned" ;)

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